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农村生活容易导致地方主义。A rural life often leads to provincialism.

这个字原来是方言,后来变成标准语言了。The word is a provincialism , but has made its way into standard speech.

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我怎样才能打破这个学院派精英强加在我身上的这种地方偏见呢?How did I ever break free from that provincialism imposed by an academic elitist?

他所执教是一所规模很小的大学,他想摆脱存在于其中的地方主义桎梏。He wanted to escape from the provincialism of the small university where he taught.

数千年来由于地理分隔所引起的地方主义,也随着这一变革而消失殆尽了。A provincialism that geographical isolation had forced on people for millennia was gone forever.

民众意识、乡土意识之研究是中国社会史研究中一块方兴未艾的领域。The research in the sense of the masses and provincialism is a field in the ascendant in China's social history.

她们这种世界而又乡土的美术主义,是和纯洁的社会理想相吻合的。They were at once cosmopolitan and provincial, with the cosmopolitan provincialism of art that goes with pure social ideals.

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作为以本土腔为主要特征,融合其它声腔的多声腔少数民族剧种,云南壮剧音乐中的衬词更是丰富多彩,魅力无穷。It is some kind of multi-tune drama from Yunnan minor nationalities, combining the characteristic of provincialism with other tunes.

有些篇章直接取材于皖西地区广泛流行的乡风、乡情、民俗。Some chapters of his novel were taken directly from the popular local atmosphere, provincialism and local custom in the west of An Hui.

朝鲜族文化因具备特殊功能,能够为东北亚地域形成地区化做出较大贡献。The Korean culture can greatly contribute to the formation of provincialism of Northeast Asia regions for processing specific functions.

如果依照老式的方法论,这种形象会令局限于自己学科理念的古典学者以及东方学者茫然无措。Under the old methodology, such a figure might have perplexed both classicists and orientalists doomed by their conceptual provincialism.

现今日常社交所用的大多数读音已有了一个公认的统一的标准。不符合这个标准,就被称为方言或俗语了。There is now a single accepted pronunciation for the vast majority of words in ordinary use, deviation from which is regarded either as a provincialism or as a vulgarism.

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现今日常社交所用的大多数读音已有了一个公认的统一的标准。不符合这个标准,就被称为方言或俗语了。There is now a single accepted pronunciation for the vast majority of words in ordinary polite use, deviation from which is regarded either as a provincialism or as a vulgarism.

基本医疗是可得的、能支付的、适宜的医疗服务,具有可得性、发展性、地区性、经济性的特点。Basic medical services are able to be acquired, able to pay and suitable medical services, being provided with the characteristics of acquirement, development, provincialism and economy.

维也纳的文化精英们罕见地融合了乡土意识与世界主义、传统与现代,这就产生了一种比当时其他城市更强大的凝聚力。The Viennese cultural elite had a rare combination of provincialism and cosmopolitism, tradition and modernity, which produced a sort of cohesion greater than in other cities at that time.

信阳民歌唱腔音乐是产生于江淮之间的信阳的乡音乡情和土腔土调,信阳民歌有独腔韵、对腔韵、帮腔调等丰富多彩的种类。Aria of Xinyang Folk song originated from the local accent and provincialism in local place between Jianghuai. Xinyang folk songs have plenty special kinds such as solo, antistrophic and local operas.