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他在一酿造厂有股份。He has an interest in a brewery.

后来,有了牛栏山酒厂。Later, had kraal mountain brewery.

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阿斯特拉楼曾是德国汉堡的一家啤酒厂。Astra House, was a brewery in Hamburg, Germany.

青岛啤酒今天发布了半年报。Tsingtao Brewery semi-annual report released today.

SABMiller建了一座酿酒厂,石油公司在此也很活跃。SABMiller built a brewery. Oil companies are active.

在生意好的时候,这家酿造厂曾经雇佣过20人。When business was good, the brewery employed 20 people.

啤酒厂有25匹高头大马在伦敦城中运送啤酒。The brewery had 25 heavy horses delivering beer in London.

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民间传说中最著名的要数“杜康造酒”。The most famous folk tales to the number of "Dukang brewery."

本次活动的啤酒由京A和熊猫精酿提供,肆角餐吧将为此活动提供食品。Cocktails will be provided by by Jing-A Brewery and Panda Brew.

麦汁过滤是啤酒糖化生产过程的主要环节之一。Wort filtration is the key process of brewery saccharification.

该啤酒厂称,最后一辆运输啤酒的罐车已经于上周离开啤酒厂。The last beer tanker left the brewery last week, Halve Maan said.

公司的那位捷克裔酿酒大师就要求在厂里置一间卧室。Steam Whistle's Czech brewmaster asked for a bedroom at the brewery.

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在临诊实践中,接触到马属动物的霉变酒糟中毒病例。We came across some cases of moldy brewery mash poisoning in equine.

梨花春酿酒集团是我国酿酒骨干企业之一。Ewha Spring Brewery Group is one of backbone enterprises of Chinas wine.

本文以贵州茅台啤酒有限公司的市场营销战略为研究内容。This artical takes the marketing strategy of Gui Zhou MouTai Brewery Co.

酒厂被一场大火破坏,两年后建了新厂。After a fire destroyed the plant two years later, a new brewery was built.

另一个目的就是能够让这些菌类更快地分解酿酒残渣。Another goal is to make the bugs quicker at breaking down the brewery waste.

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啤酒厂的啤酒,以供应当地阿斯达的,摊位及其他独立。The brewery supplies the beers to local Asda's, Booths and other independents.

在如今的赫雷斯市,依然有很多闻名国际的雪利酒厂。In today's jerez, still have a lot of famous city international sherry brewery.

这个想法来自休比弗爵士,然后吉尼斯啤酒董事总经理。The idea came from Sir Hugh Beaver, then managing director of Guinness Brewery.