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无上瑜伽的修炼是无穷无尽的。Practice of kundalini yoga is endless.

无上瑜伽的修炼也正是如此。Practice of Kundalini yoga is the same as this.

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昆达利尼瑜伽绝对是自然地缓解压力的不错选择。Kundalini Yoga is a great way to relieve stress naturally.

第二次的变革是以灵量唤醒的形式。This second revolution took the form of Kundalini awakening.

打开昆达里尼能量系统,允许它沿脊柱而向上流动。Turn on the kundalini energy system and allow it to flow up the spine.

黄金,天上和光速粒子都是最佳的发生经过完整的亢达里尼灵气点化。Gold, Etherial and Tachyon are best taken after full Kundalini Reiki attunement.

他知道,愿意跟他练习无上瑜伽、禅坐的人是有福的。He knew that who would like to practice Kundalini Yoga and sit in Zen way is lucky.

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随着音符的触摸,在霎哈嘉瑜伽灵量唤醒就发生了。The Awakening of the Kundalini in Sahaja Yoga takes place with the touch of Musical Notes.

现在想像昆达里尼沿著在身体每一边运转的两边通道向上。Now imagine the kundalini rising along two side channels that run up either side of the body.

打开亢达里尼系统终极清理这个查克拉,身体部分和能量通道。An open Kundalini system ultimately cleanses the chakras, the body parts and the energy channels.

军荼利能量本质上是纯粹的思想能量,它弥漫并束缚宇宙。Kundalini energy is, in essence, pure thought energy that permeates and binds the universe together.

道、自性、佛性、气、挫火、妙用等存在于每一个生物的体内,无一例外。Tao, self-nature, Buddha-nature, Qi, kundalini and refinement exist in each creature without exception.

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松果体与神的思想是相一致的,受生命力的光感应振动。The pineal gland corresponds with divine thought after being touched by the vibrating light of Kundalini.

再说,对无上瑜伽的认识,在修行完备者本身的意识里,也是模糊不清的。On the other hand, in consciousness of the man of perfect practice, awareness of Kundalini Yoga itself is vague.

生命力受‘头顶的光'激发振动后开始上升到头顶中央。Kundalini starts its ascent towards the head center after responding to the vibrations from the 'light in the head.

此外,他补充说,他'赞同锡吕玛塔吉对昆达里尼激活和其有益效果的解释。Further he added that he ‘agreed with H.H. Shri Mataji’s explanations of Kundalini activation and its beneficial effects’.

事实上,我们现在恰恰有途径知道在任何冥想者,昆达里尼正在上升或在一个上升的状态。In fact we have now precisely a way to know when the Kundalini is rising or when it is in a risen state, in any Meditator.

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无上瑜伽的修习成果,与修行人进入涅盘、及与大自在王结合的目标等有着密不可分的关系。The achievement of Kundalini yoga has close tie with the goal of entering Nirvana and the chance of combining with great king of freedom.

说到节日,你看,他们应该永远是放纵-一个非常特殊的治疗,并有机会再充电电池在豪华的环境,以及花费的时间与家人和朋友。If a person is very indulgent and thinks so much things what are not important for spirituality, then Kundalini is falling again and again.

在我后面的论文中,在论述更高级的能量活动时,我会说明如何开发和运用一些这样的能力,以及如何提高军荼利。In my next series, on more advanced energy work, I will show how to develop and use some of these abilities and how to raise the Kundalini.