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所以不需要担心末端。So don't get preoccupied by the end.

前排座位已给别人先占了。The front seats have been preoccupied.

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王子一心想着复仇。The Prince was preoccupied with revenge.

快乐王子一副心事重重的样子。The Happy Prince seemed very preoccupied.

倾向于过分关注食物、体重,或饮食。Tends to be preoccupied with food, diet, or eating. 062.

每一次的乘坐,我都会心事重重。Every time the ride, I would be preoccupied by some troubles.

但是你要知道的是小斯所关心的只是场上的胜利和总冠军,他听不见你在说什麽。Just know that he is preoccupied with winning and he won't hear you.

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曼纽尔没太注意那条鱼,因为他心不在焉。Manuel had not paid much attention to the fish as he was preoccupied.

也无法理解,对方在做什么。They're insulated from understanding what the other is preoccupied with.

这个贫穷的中年男人一心想着如何养活这一大家子人。That poor middle-aged man is preoccupied with how to support his large family.

想想这层意涵,军阀最关心的问题是荣誉与忠诚。Think of that. The warlord is preoccupied with questions of honor and loyalty.

在比自由体操和跳马两个项目时,我一直在想高杠的事。As I did my floor and vault routines, my mind was preoccupied with the high bar.

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最可能下手的人是默多克,但是他正忙着解决自己的麻烦。The most likely contender is Murdoch, but he is preoccupied with his own troubles.

但现在他的思想却总是被对帕德梅和母亲的思念所占据。Instead, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Padmé or thoughts of his mother.

更重要的是卡斯特罗越来越关心他的身后事。What may count for more is that Mr Castro is increasingly preoccupied by his legacy.

他是一个维多利亚时代的历史学家,专门研究西方文明的瓦解。He was a Victorian historian preoccupied with the dissolution of Western civilization.

这香味实在太吸引人了,只是闻一闻就精神百倍。The person was really too preoccupied to this flavor, just smelt morale a hundredfold.

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埃辛必须专注于做他应该做的事情,所以只能全神贯注的在电视机前观看加纳队的比赛。Essien watched Ghana's games on television but he was preoccupied by what he had to do.

当市长们一心决定缩减预算时,你们又如何向之兜售这个项目呢?How do you pitch a program like yours when mayors are preoccupied with cutting budgets?

同时,你亦专注于家人关系的改善和发展。At the very same time, you may be preoccupied with home-related changes and improvements.