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我信步走进厨房。I wander into the kitchen.

那些游走不定的伤痛。Those who wander errant pain.

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我想知道,为什么气球可以飞起?Balloons can fly. I wander why.

巨象漫步在森林中。Huge elephants wander the forest.

琴心流连春去也。Guoqin heart go wander in the spring.

在北京的时候我会去逛三里屯。In Beijing, I wander around Sanlitun.

我必须再一次浪迹天涯。I must wander again all over the world.

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我徘徊在每一条富人专用的街上。I wander thro' each charter ' d street.

颗粒在床层中到处游动。Particles wander everywhere in the bed.

喜欢想象自己是怀揣着一个目标在世间漫游。I like to think I wander with a purpose.

孤单游荡的野鬼。The wild ghosts that wander in solitary.

正午的骄阳高高挂起,那是我日常漫步的去处。There daily I wander as noon rises high.

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晚餐后我在街道上闲逛。After dinner, I wander through the streets.

他总是让狗周街乱跑。He always lets his dog wander in the street.

她到公园去遛达遛达。She went for a little wander round the park.

其实这正是它为什么会被其他语言借用。That's why they wander into other languages.

死神夸不着你在他影子里的踟蹰。Nor shall death brag thou wander in his shade.

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有多少人会带着龙蛋到处走动?。How many people wander around with dragon eggs?

这家伙想徘徊到图书管里。Well, this guy tries to wander into the library.

为了应对这漫漫长途,我让我的脑袋里乱开无轨电车。To cope with the long roads, I let my mind wander.