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圣境预言书包含秘密,目前正在改变我们的世界。THE CELESTINE PROPHECY contains secrets that are currently changing our world.

本文研究了用原子吸收分光光度法测定钡天青石中微量镁、锰简捷新方法。A simple method for the determination of trace of Mg and Mn in celestine by AAS was studied.

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在纽卡他将遇见他在切尔西的老队友斯科特·帕克和克里斯蒂恩·巴巴亚罗。At Newcastle he will join his former Chelsea colleagues Scott Parker and Celestine Babayaro.

天青石中硫、锶同位素值和海水硫、锶同位素值相近。Compositions of S and Sr isotopes for celestine are similar to those for general sea waters.

认为本矿床应届沉积——改造类型的天青石矿床。Therefore, the author considers the deposit to be a sedimentary-transform type of celestine.

接下来这次碰面意味着塞莱思廷-巴巴亚罗和斯科特-帕克将重返球场。The latest encounter will mean a return to Stamford Bridge for Celestine Babayaro and Scott Parker.

切尔西正在寻找一个左边后卫的替补选择以弥补把巴巴亚罗出售到纽卡斯尔的空缺。Chelsea are looking for added cover at left back having recently sold Celestine Babayaro to Newcastle.

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圣境预言书是一个已经显露出来的时候世界的深刻需要读取的文字工作。THE CELESTINE PROPHECY is a work that has come to light at a time when the world deeply needs to read its words.

熟啦-阿梅奥比停赛,但前切尔西左后卫塞莱斯丁-巴巴亚罗上周伤愈后已经归队。Shola Ameobi is suspended but our former long-serving left- sider Celestine Babayaro returned to the side last week after injury.

在因伤缺阵一段时间后,纽卡三位队员欧文,埃姆雷和巴巴亚罗本周四已经全部返回球队进行轻微的训练。Newcastle United trio Michael Owen, Emre and Celestine Babayaro all returned to light training on Thursday following their injury lay-offs.

这个喀麦隆国脚将加盟前切尔西队友巴巴亚罗和达夫所在的圣詹姆斯球场,不过帕克已经在今夏转会去了西汉姆。The Cameroon international rejoins former Chelsea team-mates Celestine Babayaro and Damien Duff at St. James, but not Scott Parker who transferred to West Ham this summer.

但是,由于没有预期,他与他,他最宝贵的财产,他被任命教皇时的羊毛的大披肩,把它留在塞莱斯廷的坟墓。But, as was not expected, he took with him one of his most treasured possessions—his pallium, the woollen band he received when he was invested as pope—and left it behind on Celestine 's tomb.