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她将捍卫她的论文对周一4月22日在杜叶锡恩代尔夫特。She will defend her thesis on Monday 22 April at TU Delft.

Delft的研究者们进行了焊接玻璃组件的实验。Researchers at Delft have experimented with welding glass components.

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寻找尧努什凯勒的代尔夫特发展的'了他的博士内阁'为解决这个问题。Ianus Keller of the TU Delft developed 'the Cabinet' for his PHD to solve this problem.

墙脚镶着一条画着小天使的台夫特瓷砖,保护白粉墙不被我们的拖把弄脏。A row of Delft tiles painted with cupids lined the bottom of the walls to protect the whitewash from our mops.

代尔夫特工作室WAM的建筑师建造了这个酒店,就像是在荷兰赞丹一堆房子的样子。Delft studio WAM Architecten have completed a hotel that looks like a pile of houses in Zaandam, the Netherlands.

该站有两个在地下9米处的岛型站台,这可是代尔夫特唯一的车站。The station – With its two island platforms, which lie 9 metres underground, the station of Delft is a unique station.

代尔夫特工业大学科维理研究所的研究者即将在分子生物学杂志上发表这一文章。Researchers from the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft are to publish an article on this in the journal Molecular Cell.

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两把灯心草根做的扶手椅面对面摆在铺了瓷砖的壁炉地面两侧,靠墙的架子里是一排排德尔夫特生产的陶瓷盘子。Rush-bottomed arm-chairs faced each other across the tiled hearth, and rows of Delft plates stood on shelves against the walls.

在运用能动型学习方法论来促进创新的学校中,代尔福特理工大学名列前茅。Delft University of Technology is foremost among the schools who use Active Learning methodologies as a means to promote innovation.

代尔夫特队伍的一名成员马斯·古兹说,他们的团队可以创造一辆舒适度强,外观好看,性能表现良好的车辆。Delft Hyperloop team member Mars Geuze said his group was able to build a comfortable, nice-looking vehicle that also performed well.

台夫特的科学家表示,关于气候变迁争论中的一个议题,就是目前注意力都放在温室气体所造成的污染效应。Scientists at Delft said one of the problems with debating about climate change is that attention is focused mainly on the polluting effect of greenhouse gases.

库斯·埃森是代夫特理工大学的副教授,主讲工业设计工程的徒手绘图能力课程。Koos Eissen is an associate professor at the Delft University of Technology and teaches freehand drawing classes at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering.

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据包括代尔夫特理工大学和瓦格宁根大学在内的一些研究机构发表的这篇研究报告称,西方世界的落叶树都受到影响。All deciduous trees in the Western world are affected, according to the study by a group of institutions, including the TU Delft University and Wageningen University.

城市新的中心站直接连接到一个高效率的交通枢纽,这样,火车、公共汽车、电车、自行车和行人都能在这里汇合。The heart of Delft is home to an ingenious, new station with direct connections to an efficient transport hub where train, bus, tram, cyclists and pedestrians come together.

来自荷兰代尔夫特理工大学的科学家放飞了一个10平方米大小、系在发电机上的风筝,风筝通过绳索拉动发电机发电,可以产生10千瓦电力。Scientists from Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands harnessed energy from the wind by flying a 10-sq metre kite tethered to a generator, producing 10 kilowatts of power.

抗议者认为,代尔夫特镇的这块不毛之地已经告诉世人,南非以牺牲贫困人群为代价,把非洲第一次举办的世界杯变成了向有钱的外国人展示自己的工具。Campaigners argue that this bleak place in Delft township shows that Africa's first World Cup has become a tool to impress wealthy foreigners at the expense of its own impoverished people.

本文对防波堤结构稳定性和越浪量按照各种规范进行的设计计算和物理模型试验,引入了不确定性分析理论和多维联合概率理论进行计算和风险分析。Uncertainty-sensitivity analysis and multivariate joint probability study of input wave and sea level are used for experiments and calculation by China design code, formula Delft and Goda.