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应用程序甚至可以将定义的搁置队列用于此目的。The application could even use a defined backout queue for this.

拆除城墙是首都发展史上的重大事件。It's important to backout Beijing's wall in the capital's history.

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这是一个很棒的备份计划,它比从备份中恢复要容易得多。That's a great backout plan—much easier than restoring from a backup.

一些人认为保护就是把老建筑全体保留下来。Some people think that we should keep all the old houses entirely without any backout.

为表公平起见,我疑问兴都教权益协会为何在此次巴生市议会拆除兴都庙的立场。As be fair to everyone, I queries Hindraf on the issue of Hindu temple being backout by Klang city council.

如果不成功,迁移看起来完全就像故障转移测试,因为退回技术取代了旧式的撤销计划。If not, migration looks exactly like a failover test because the failback technique replaces the old style backout plan.

回冲——同样,逻辑与物理位置之间的映射关系使得虚拟技术下的系统回冲不再是微不足道的过程。Backout – The mapping between local and physical locations also makes the backout of virtualization technology from a system a less than trivial process.

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在应用综放开采的初期,每当综放工作面停采回撤时,就会发生自燃发火。In early application of fully mechanized top coal mining, Spontaneous fire took place when the backout of fully mechanized top coal caving face was stopped mining.

文档输入需求变化,包括变更所有者,商务影响,危险等级,变更原因,成功因素,回退方案及测试需求。Document change input requirements, including change owner, business impact, risk level, reason for change, success factors, backout plan, and testing requirements.

解决了多层砼结构模板支撑系统的安装及拆除无依据、凭经验施工的问题。It solved the problems of no evidence and experience dependence construction in installation and backout of formwork-supporting system for multilayer concrete structures.

在建设项目从决策设计到实施运行直到拆除的全过程中,风险对全生命周期的造价影响贯穿其中。In the total process of the construction project, the risk has an important influence on the life-cycle cost from the decision-making and the running phase to the backout phase.

由支气管供应空气,而肺动脉完成对肺部的供血,它们俩协同工作将将空气中的氧气溶入血液,并将二氧化碳排出体外。The bronchi supply air and pulmonary arteriessupply blood to the lungs. Together they take in air from theatmosphere, oxygenate the blood, and excrete the carbon dioxide backout of the body.

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如果重复调用上述代码,此计数可能会达到目的地上配置的搁置阈值,此时这些消息就将重新进行排队,暂时不再能进行接收。If you call the above code repeatedly, this count may reach the backout threshold configured on the destination, at which point the messages will be re-queued and no longer available for receipt.

回撤计划应该在迁移之前制定,它应该包含关于构成成功迁移的因素、触发回撤流程的条件和回撤计划本身的详细信息。A backout plan should be documented before migrating. It should detail what constitutes a successful migration, the conditions that trigger the backout procedure, and the backout procedure itself.