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做生面团玩。Make play dough.

面发起来了。The dough has risen.

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这是一个很大的一笔钱。That’s a lot of dough.

把这个面团放在一个托盘上。Put the dough in a tray.

擀出比萨皮,抹上酱汁。Roll out the pizza dough.

一位面包师正在揉面团。A baker is kneading a dough.

把和好的面揉成一团。Shape the dough into a ball.

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那位面包师在揉面。The baker is kneading dough.

在生面团中加一些葡萄干。Add some raisins to the dough.

把它揉成一个个小球。Roll the dough into small balls.

她把面擀得很薄。She rolled the dough out very thin.

她把生面做成饼干形状。She shaped the dough into biscuits.

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面团能揉成任何形状。Dough can be kneaded into any shape.

面团喷水,筛些高粉。Dust the dough with some bread flour.

她把面团轻轻拍成扁饼。She patted the dough into a flat cake.

面粉及盐筛入碗中揉成面团。Sift in flour and salt to form a dough.

面团水太多,不能擀。The dough is so wet that it won't roll.

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为了搞到钱去我要把表当掉。To get dough I'll put my watch in hock.

面皮是用面粉制作而成的。The production of flour dough is formed.

色彩艳丽、栩栩如生的面塑寿桃。Colorful and vivid dough moulded peaches.