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一个在墓园里的小丑。A clown in a cemetery.

烈士被葬在公墓。The martyr lies in the cemetery.

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魔鬼在死坟堆祈祷。The devil prayed in the cemetery.

她父亲安葬在一处公墓。Her father was laid in a cemetery.

他糊里糊涂地走进了墓地。He walked numbly into the cemetery.

我是一名义庄小学的学生。I am a cemetery in primary schools.

他们将骨灰瓮埋在了公墓里。They buried the urn in the cemetery.

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尸体下葬在那个公墓。The body was interred at that cemetery.

济慈被埋葬于罗马的一处古墓园。Keats sleeps in an old cemetery in Rome.

大理石的半身象,简直就象是坟山。Marble busts all looked like a cemetery.

他在烈士陵园安息着。He lies at rest in the Martyrs' Cemetery.

他的遗体葬在墓地。His remains were interred in the cemetery.

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在1769年这里变成了乞丐的墓区。It had become a pauper's cemetery in 1769.

在她所居住的房屋旁是一片古旧的墓地。Well, next to her house is an old cemetery.

那位著名诗人被安葬在这个公墓。The famous poet was buried in this cemetery.

大海就是伊夫堡的坟场。The sea is the cemetery of the Chateau d'If.

今天我还和托尔多一起去了公墓。Even today I went to the cemetery with Toldo.

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他的躯体僵硬,就如墓地里的一尊雕像。His body was hard, like a statue in a cemetery.

独自一人在黑暗的墓地里是非常可怕的。Being alone in a dark cemetery can be very scary.

后来,我们开车到老比弗达姆墓地。Afterward, we drove to the Old Beaverdam Cemetery.