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查看更多的这些神奇的钙华塔。Check out more of these fantastical towers.

想当年我住在王宫里的时候,我们也时常举行宴会。In my day, we had fantastical feasts when I lived in the palace.

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“我们看到自己城市的形象被一种荒唐的说法玷污,”韦洛苏说。"We saw our city stained by a fantastical version, " Veloso said.

甚至连历史人物或者幻想小说中的人物都用习语。Even characters in historical or fantastical novels would have them.

钢之家在梦幻般一目了然钢之家,你将永远不会忘记。One glance at the fantastical Steel House, and you'll never forget it.

而不切实际的我则幻想着,如果我辞职,就能够约她出去了。The fantastical side hopes that if I resign, I'd be able to ask her out.

我们聊到了我们土生土长的中西部地区人的美好生活。We talked about what fantastical lives we born-and-bred Midwesterners led.

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该片围绕一个生命垂危的男人,他的前世及鬼魅般的亲人们展开,为观众们呈现了一个奇诡的故事。It is a fantastical tale about a dying man, his past lives, and his ghostly relatives.

这是个大胆的策略,尤其当其中一种现实是如此明显的空想。It’s a daring tactic, especially when one of the realities is so obviously fantastical.

在我的比较野性又比较空想的白日梦中,突然中大奖可以让我不用如此辛苦的工作。In my wilder, more fantastical daydreams, a huge bonus hit me then I wouldn't need to work so hard.

这天我骑在一片景色如诗,急流如乐的骑行的好天气中。This day I cycled in a fantastical weather with what the sight as a poem and the current as a song.

如果游戏坚持幻想或神话,就没有问题,陈某某说。"If the games stick to the fantastical or the mythological, there should be no problem, " Mr. Chen said.

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陈先生说,“如果游戏坚持的是奇幻或传奇题材,就应该不成问题。”“If the games stick to the fantastical or the mythological, there should be no problem, ” Mr. Chen said.

尽管眼前有我们叙述的挑战,工程化组织已不再是幻想。Despite the ongoing challenges we have described, engineered tissues are no longer a fantastical prospect.

他们又补充说,Vincenti是在没有接近画像本身的前提下做出这个近乎荒诞的宣称的。They added that Vincenti had made his fantastical claims without having had access to the painting itself.

洪东渌的奇妙的灯光盒子道出了商业主义与西方和东方在后现代的交会。Hung Tung- Lu's fantastical light-boxes speak of consumerism and the post-modern encounter between east and west.

如果编造一个令人难以置信的幸存故事或一个令人轻信的诡计更适合极端分子的终结的话,那愿意信的人就去信吧。If it suits extremist ends to spin a fantastical tale of survival or trickery to gullible ears, expect to hear it.

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大部分的编舞轻快,并充满想象力,将舞蹈的快乐展示的就好象纯净的手工艺和发明。Most of the choreography is light fleet and fantastical showcasing the pleasure of dance as pure craft and invention.

帕迪是一个现代时期文艺复兴的人。在他45年左右的生活里,他的传奇色彩有时候也许只比杰克逊稍逊一色。Paddy is a modern-day renaissance man in his mid-40s whose life at times seems only slightly less fantastical than Jackson's.

这一想法对大卫.卡梅伦的新政府以及在野的赞成欧洲统一主义的自由民主党来说,听起来同样不靠谱。To David Cameron’s new government, even with the pro-European Liberal Democrats on board, the very idea may sound fantastical.