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他有时还咄咄逼人。He can also be aggressive.

他是个勇于进取的经理。He was an aggressive manager.

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日本是侵略国。Japan is an aggressive country.

它的叫声满含挑衅。It was a very aggressive barking.

她真是个天不怕地不怕的女人。She is really an aggressive lady.

很有攻击性的运动,and it's a really aggressive sport

它是具有侵略性和帝国主义性质的。It is aggressive and imperialistic.

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为什么你总是好斗得要命?Why are you so all-fired aggressive?

一个有进取心的认一定是个积极能干的人。An aggressive man must be a go-getter.

雷罗先生建议积极行动。Mr. Herrero advises aggressive action.

我自认是个很猛的司机。I'm a self-professed aggressive driver.

日本人曾是很具有侵略性的。The Japanese were once very aggressive.

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侵略成性的国家威胁这世界和平。Aggressive nations threaten world peace.

但这时会出现一些攻击性。But now it gets a little bit aggressive.

男人在生育方面的主动。Male takes aggressive part in begetting.

我们需要一队更积极进取的愉园。Finally , we need a more aggressive hvaa.

你既要进退有度,也要更加激进。You had to be tactically more aggressive.

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他把各种罪恶归因于侵略战争。He refers the evils to the aggressive war.

男人的梦比女人的梦更具侵略性。Men have more aggressive dreams than women.

他们打的很好也很有侵略性。They are also very good playing aggressive.