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然后我们去了慕尼黑。And then we went to Munich.

参加慕尼黑啤酒节。Hit up Oktoberfest in Munich.

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我购买了我的传播者,在慕尼黑国际。I purchased my Communicator at Munich Intl.

慕尼黑曾在纳粹历史上起过特殊作用。Munich played a special role in Nazi history.

时,他经常出入慕尼黑一家露天啤酒屋。He can often be found in a Munich beer garden.

从慕尼黑阴谋开始,角色都转变了。Since the Munich dictat, the roles have changed.

幕尼黑空难是曼联汗青上最大的惨剧。Munich is the greatest tragedy in Uniteds history.

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幕尼黑空难是曼联历史上最大的悲剧。Munich is the greatest tragedy in United's history.

德国东南部的一座城市,位于慕尼黑西北偏北。A city of southeast Germany north-northwest of Munich.

慕尼黑的法庭判处代姆扬尤克五年监禁。The court in Munich sentenced him to five years in prison.

那天是1972年慕尼黑奥运会的第二个星期二。It was the second Tuesday of the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.

以前我发表过一篇文章,提及了我在慕尼黑的一个对话。I once posted an article referring to a talk I gave in Munich.

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飞往慕尼黑参加宝马展,或返回中国。Fly to Munich and stay at Bauma Exhibition, or return to China.

现在我们在马拉加机场等候飞往慕尼黑的航班。Now we were waiting for our flight to Munich at Malaga airport.

空?时,他经常出入慕尼黑一家露天啤酒屋。In his free time, he can often be found in a Munich beer garden.

令人感到心烦的还有,特斯拉竟然在宝马的家门口慕尼黑开了一家代理店。Annoyingly, Tesla opened a dealership in Munich on BMW’s doorstep.

毛大奔,董事总经理,德国慕尼黑国际博览集团。Mr. Mao Daben, Managing Director, Munich International Trade Fairs.

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德语和意大利语课将分别在慕尼黑和罗马开设。German and Italian courses are held in Munich and Rome respectively.

慕尼黑管理的25票,而法国城市阿讷西了只有七个。Munich managed 25 votes while the French city Annecy got only seven.

波尔,我的童年是在慕尼黑兵荒马乱的内战中终结的。Bohr, my childhood in Munich came to an end in anarchy and civil war.