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但是愤怒和不信任迅速蔓延。But anger and distrust run high.

在一个充满猜度的世界里。And in a world filled with distrust.

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不相信有习染。但是相信亦然。Distrust can be contagious. But, so can trust.

如果你种植不诚实,你将收获不城信。If you plant dishonesty, you will reap distrust.

南亚诸国相互之间也是芥蒂甚深。Southeast Asian nations also distrust one another.

这里有许多人不相信执法机关。There are a lot of people who distrust law enforcement.

大智一直不信任逸升,提议毅昕解雇他。Wisdom always distrust escape, proposed YiXin fire him.

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愤怒和怀疑在他额头上刻下了皱纹。A fault line of anger and distrust crossed his forehead.

这个下降表明人们不相信中国的慈善机构。This drop shows people's distrust of charities in China.

隐藏的豁免象激起部落个成员的不信任。The hidden Immunity Idol stirs distrust among tribemates.

非英国国教者一直不信任圣公会的人。Nonconformists retained a deep distrust of their Anglican neighbours.

为了挑拨绝地,她声称效忠于梅斯·温杜。Sewing distrust among the Jedi, she claimed allegiance to Mace Windu.

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今天他们对西方的不信任,十字军东征扮演了重要的角色。The crusades play their part in its lively distrust of the West today.

在整个中欧地区,公众对政客与政党不予信任。All over the region publics distrust politicians and political parties.

事实上,人们仍然普遍不信任女人能任领袖的。In fact, there is still widespread distrust of a woman in the top position.

有许多人不相信同行审查也不相信科学家。There are many who distrust the peer-review process and distrust scientists.

迪克森对于美国政府以及金融市场义愤填膺且毫不信任。Dr. Dixon feels anger and distrust toward the government and the markets alike.

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仇恨和不信任的情绪形成武力对抗的必然基础。Feelings of hatred and distrust form the necessary basis of armed confrontation.

家是一个神圣的地方——没有猜忌和怀疑可以侵入这受到神佑护的大门。Home is a holy thing—nothing of doubt or distrust can enter its blessed portals.

这两个国家之间横亘着长达半个世纪之久的对立和不信任感。Lie between the two countries for half a century-long confrontation and distrust.