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这是一辆北京吉普车。This is a Beijing jeep.

使用的吉普车牧马人的硬上衣。Jeep Wrangler with a hard coat.

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桑迪乘吉普车穿越沙漠。Sandy crosses the desert by jeep.

搭汽车或吉普车到加都。Take a bus or jeep on to Kathmandu.

我相信这是一个农村邮路吉普车。These "are" rural roads, postal Jeep.

轿车在乡间路上颠簸前进。The jeep bucketed over the bumpy road.

Jeep牧马人可以转让后窗。"Jeep" Wrangler for "sale" rear window.

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你的吉普里还能再塞几个人?How many people will your jeep still hold ?

乔治架着他的吉普车穿过了那座大桥。George drove his jeep across a large bridge.

是,我在报纸上登过广告卖我的吉普车。Yes, I put an ad in a paper to sell my jeep.

卡车沿着盘山公路向上爬去。The jeep bumped along the rough mountain road.

我们会坐上他的吉普车,很有意思。And we could ride on his jeep – that was great fun.

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这些度真人士租用一辆吉普车来旅止。The holiday-makers rented a jeep for their journey.

他沿着林中小路熟练地驾驶吉普车行进。He tooled the jeep skillfully along the jungle path.

最糟糕的是,我还收到了一张追尾的罚单。To top it off, I got a ticket for rear-ending the Jeep.

该线是相当疯狂的,吉普车从这里穿过。The trail was pretty crazy looking from inside the Jeep.

我把白尾巴拉近了十点儿,退向吉普车。I have Whitetail very close to me and move back to the jeep.

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吸毒的钱从爸妈那里偷来,第一次开着自己的新吉普出去也是去买毒品。Her first drive in her new black Jeep was to a heroin dealer.

他将吉普车切换为四轮驱动模式后涉水爬上了坡。He put the jeep in four-wheel drive and splashed up the slope.

阿拉伯沙漠里的吉普车越野赛,正在翻越沙丘的吉普车。Jeeps negotiating sand dunes on jeep safari in Arabian Desert.