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他的母亲是里贾纳文德。His mother was Regina Wender.

最后,里贾纳被驱逐到奥斯威辛。Finally, Regina was deported to Auschwitz.

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我又该怎么讲莉贾娜•乔治呢?How do I even begin to explain Regina George?

这个问题是由德克萨斯州的雷吉提出来的。This question was asked by Regina from Texas.

叶刘淑仪,香港立法会议议员。Regina IP, Legislative Councillor of Hong Kong.

在里贾纳学生有众多的选择。A multitude of options exist for students of Regina.

11月6日,盖世太保将雷吉娜逮捕。Regina was arrested, on November 6th, by the Gestapo.

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雷吉纳不久就被迫为纳粹工厂工作。Regina was soon after forced into a Nazi work factory.

卡通的名字也排在前三分之一。Regina and Saskatoon also finished in the top one-third.

当然,如果你和里吉纳请了她,事情就成定局了。Of course if you and Regina invite her the thing is settled.

瑞吉纳国王的莉迪亚正在跟一个新的、积极上进的搭档磨合。Regina King's Lydia is dealing with an aggressive new partner.

里贾纳是本省首府和最大城市。Regina is the capital and the largest city. Population, 968,313.

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里贾纳蒙迪是最大的罗马天主教教会在该国。Regina Mundi is the largest Roman Catholic Church in the country.

我的英雄是雷吉娜·乔纳斯,她是一位极其完美的女人。My hero is Regina Jonas.Regina was an extremely accomplished woman.

梁爱诗和叶刘淑怡,要把一把刀放在港人头上。Elsie Leung and Regina Ip conspire to place a knife above our heads.

我的英雄是雷吉娜·乔纳斯,她是一位极其完美的女人。My hero is Regina Jonas. Regina was an extremely accomplished woman.

民研计划会否对陈方安生和叶刘淑仪进行民望调查?Would HKUPOP conduct popularity surveys on Anson Chan and Regina Ip?

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雷吉娜·乔纳斯在T.A巴伦的书中被描写成一位英雄。Regina Jonas was a hero of all the descriptions in T.A Barron’s book.

里贾纳居民享有低成本的生活和高质量的生活!Regina residents enjoy a low cost of living and a high quality of life!

可悲的是在1944年12月12日,雷吉娜42岁的时候,她被纳粹谋杀了。Tragically, Regina was murdered on December 12, 1944, at the age of 42.