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他去向经理提出异议。He went to the manager to remonstrate.

您没有抗议这种无耻的事情吗?Did you not remonstrate against such infamy?

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您没办法阻止这种无耻的行为吗?And did you not remonstrate against such infamy?

谁愿意劝告他们,与他们争辩呢?Who would want to remonstrate and argue with them?

谁会向他们提出抗议、和他们争论呢?Who would want to remonstrate and argue with them?

我们一开口抗议,他就一摇一摆走开了。We’d open our mouths to remonstrate. He’d toddle off.

区里派了一个干部去对地主进行劝诫。A district official went to remonstrate with the landowners.

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直言敢谏是他从政品行的主要特点。To state outright and dare to remonstrate were his conduct of politics.

有天晚上,区里派了一个干部去对地主进行劝诫。A district official walked in the night to remonstrate with the landowners.

我以前常要像一个讨厌的叔叔似的,老是给罗娜劝告,而她只是笑笑而已。I used to remonstrate with Laura like a fussy old uncle but she'd only laugh.

上次我坐公铰车时,男孩子们又在嘲笑一个印度人,他只能沉默以对。The last time I got a bus on which boys were misbehaving, one Indian did remonstrate quietly.

上次我坐公交车时,男孩子们又在嘲笑一个印度人,他只能沉默以对。The last time I got a bus on which boys were misbehaving , one Indian did remonstrate quietly.

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在暂停期间,俄罗斯人去到他们的球迷看台区要求球迷的合作。During the suspension, the Russians went to their fans' end and seemed to remonstrate with them.

纣王日益荒淫无道,大臣刚直劝谏者皆被杀被贬。King Zhou increasingly dissolute without Road, outspoken minister was demoted to remonstrate both killed.

再说假如我们做错了,或者不能满父母的心意,父母免不了要责备,或者疾言厉色地骂一顿,或者只温和地教训几句。If we do something wrong or we let down our parents' wishes, they may scold us severely or gently remonstrate with us.

汉代戏剧理论主要体现在戏剧与现实的关系、戏剧的讽谏与惩戒功能以及戏剧的娱乐功能之上。Drama theory reflect in drama and realistic relation, drama is it remonstrate with with discipline function and amusement function of the drama to mocking mainly Han Dynasty.

本文详细地介绍了最小模方法的原理,并通过仿真指出了最小模算法对空间相干信号难以区分的缺点。This article introduce the principle of Minimum-Norm method in detail, and remonstrate the fact that the Minimum-Norm method can not resolve the spatial coherent signals through simulation.

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影片热情地赞扬了彭总的赫赫战功,讴歌了彭总刚正不阿、直言敢谏、坚持真理、不畏权势的精神。Film praised illustrious battle achievement of Peng Zong enthusiasticly, eulogize Peng total upright not A, speak bluntly dare remonstrate with, hold to the truth, not the spirit of Wei ascendancy.