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许多因素间存在明显协同作用。Many factors showed synergism with each other.

氯化钙和甲醇存在协同增效作用。There was synergism between calcium chloride and methanol.

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淀粉的降解是淀粉酶和淀粉磷酸化酶综合作用的结果。Starch degradation was the result of synergism of amylase and starch phosphorylase.

植物病毒协生作用分布广,是造成农作物减产的重要原因之一。The widespread synergism of plant virus is one of main factors leading to crop loss.

协同作用是参考的原则,神和人类合作的转换。Synergism is reference to the doctrine of divine and human cooperation in conversion.

用细菌学方法、扫描电镜的方法考察AZT对FLX的体内增效作用。The synergism of AZT combined with FLX was studied by using microbiologic method and SEM.

两种抑制剂对氯氰菊酯均产生增效作用,但对联苯菊酯没有增效作用。These inhibitors produced a synergism with cypermethrin but had no synergism with bifenthrin.

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这种协同作用属于相加作用或相乘作用有待进一步阐明。Whether this synergism is due to additive action or potentiating action requires further study.

目的研究胰岛素对恶性肿瘤化疗的增效减毒作用。Objective To research the synergism and attenuation of insulin on chemotherapy of malignant tumor.

不同精油或精油与化学农药的混用及其产生的增效作用。Synergism of certain essential oils when mixed with other essential oils or synthetic insecticides.

在新白中有时重叠重复与反复还集中在一起,协同作用。Sometimes in new white overlaps repeatedly with repeatedly also concentrates in together, synergism.

该协同作用显著的加强单个抗氧化剂提供的保护上海翻译公司。This synergism significantly strengthens the protection pro- vided by individual antioxidants alone.

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50片是主要的维生素B的成分的综合并含有其它的营养成分相互促进。B-50 Tablets are a blend of key B vitamins combined with other nutritional factors for enhanced synergism.

钱煦教授认为在医学上能取得这样的进展,应归功于正在发展的生物工程和医学间的合作研究。Chien said such medical advances are the result of the growing synergism between engineering and medicine.

金氏Q值法评价“时间协同”出现时间点的合用性质,显示出协同或相加的结果。Jin's Q formula was used to evaluate the interaction of mixtures, and synergism or additivity was obtained.

抗病毒转基因植物中协生作用的出现,严重限制了基因工程植物的商品化生产。The discovery of synergism in virus-resistant transgenic plants severely constrains the of transgenic plants.

方差分析的结果表明二者互有增效作用。The results of variance analysis suggested that there are synergism between A54 toxin and Bt crystal protein.

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近年来有关中药莪术的研究得出,莪术中主要含有莪术油、姜黄素及多糖类成分。Objective To explore the molecular mechanism and synergism of Ezhu oil with IFN in inhibiting cervical cancer.

但与大蒜提取物复合后使用,具有明显的协同抗氧化作用,尢其是对花生油。But synergists mixed with garlic extracts exhibit remarkable antioxidative activity and synergism in peanut oil.

冲刷和腐蚀间的交互作用是引起材料发生泥浆型冲蚀破坏的主要因素。The synergism between erosion and corrosion is main factor resulting in slurry erosion depredation of materials.