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这是假皮的吗?Is this genuine silk?

这玉是真的。This jade is genuine.

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这枚戒指是真金的。This ring is genuine gold.

真金不怕火炼。Genuine gold fears no fire.

同真卡一样大小。Same size as genuine DS card.

你需要关注你真正需要去关注的事情。Your concern must be genuine.

这沙发是真皮的。This is made of genuine leather.

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白色颜色真正珐琅拨号盘。White color genuine enamel dial.

真的曾有过两难之境吗?Was there ever a genuine dilemma?

一些真正的热情如何?How about some genuine enthusiasm?

这种伏特加酒是正品。The vodka was the genuine article.

他的钞票是实实在在的真货。His notes were the genuine article.

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凡未盖我厂印记者全系假货。None are genuine without our stamp.

抑或是第一次同台就产生了真爱?Or genuine love at first highlight?

真正的白帽子的人只能申请。Genuine White Hat people only apply.

这沙发是真皮做的。The sofa is made of genuine leather.

真正的幽默是充满著智慧。Genuine humor is replete with wisdom.

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你的信息一定要真诚,有礼数。Be genuine and polite in your message.

闭嘴,你个蠢材,你那些小动作动机都不纯。Shut up, Fool, you spin ain't genuine.

詹姆斯看起来真的是一位天才少年。Jamess appears to be a genuine prodigy.