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陕西省根据这一规定,开始构建全省治超工作长效机制。Shan'xi started to design the permanent mechanism according to the above prescript in 2008.

实践理性出于自身的规定性而要求实现自己。Proceed from the prescript of practical reason, it demand that this reason should realize itself.

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但目前国内尚无相关的具体规定,本文在这些方面做了初步的尝试。But presently we have no concrete prescript in the field. This thesis is trying to solve this problem.

实行行为是刑法分则规定的定型性行为类型,具有定型性、侵害性、有意性和有责性等特征。Committing action is a designed action type which prescript in specific provisions of the criminal law.

其中,对危险化学品生产、储存和经营单位的安全评价所涉及的指标做出了明确规定。There are definite prescript about safety valuation index of dangerous chemical enterprises among them.

为使对该罪的规定具备严密性,还应作必要的修改。In order to make the prescript of this accusal more strict, we should make necessary modifications of it.

然而,追复规定时拟制自认的众多消极影响却未能引起学者的关注。However, they have paid little attention to the negative impact of prescript of objection upon implied admission.

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现行刑法对职务侵占罪主体的规定比较笼统,导致司法实践中难以操作。In the present criminal law , the prescript about the subject of functional occupation crime is not explicit enough to practice.

即使我国刑法明确规定共同犯罪的主观要件只能是共同犯罪故意,对于共同故意的深入探讨也寥寥无几。Our criminal law prescript the subjective aspect of joint crime is joint criminal intention only, but research on this topic is superf.

对变量状态变化的多个可能分支,以约定的概率分布进行选择,以此避免模拟结果的组合爆炸。The multi-offsets of factors' change are chosen according to prescript probability distribution, so combination explosion could not happen.

推荐了具有较好耐磨粒磨损能力的环氧树脂纳米胶粘涂层的最佳配方,为其在胶粘领域推广应用积累基础数据。Finally, the best prescript of nano epoxy bond coating is recommended. The basic data are recommended for the aim of usage in bonding field.

即使我国刑法明确规定共同犯罪的主观要件只能是共同犯罪故意,对于共同故意的深入探讨也寥寥无几。Our criminal law prescript the subjective aspect of joint crime is joint criminal intention only, but research on this topic is superficial.

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对该罪罪状应予修改,应取消“依法承担仲裁职责的人员”的规定。The description of the crime should be modified, that is, to cancel the prescript of "the man who assumes arbitrator responsibility by law."

构造柱间距以及拉结钢筋的设置符合规范要求,穿越管线时应预留洞口避免在填充墙上穿凿洞口。Configuration column spacing and tense reinforcing steel bar achieve the prescript of criterion, and avoiding to excavate hole in the infilled wall.

为了保证油温在试验规定的范围内,必须建立油温的自动控制系统。In order to ensure the oil temperature within the prescript range and a correct and reliable test result, a temperature autocontrol system was developed.

当赞美歌伴随着音乐唱起来时他们就会感到上帝在他们身旁,他们举起手,吟唱着,祈祷着并接受上帝的意旨。When the hymn was rising with accompaniment the follower could feel God beside them. They raise their hands, singing, praying and receiving the prescript.

军售禁令,即一国或多国集团禁止其内部向他国出售军事物资及相关技术的规定,它是武器禁运的具体表现形式。An arms ban is a prescript imposed by one or more States to forbid arms sales from its internal to other countries. It is an idiographic embodiment of arms embargo.

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实践中存在工资、薪金所得的扣除额的规定不合理、允许扣除费用的范围太小等问题。Practice has witnessed that the prescript on deductions from income from wages and salaries is not reasonable in that the scope of expense deductible is too narrow.

同时由于消费者缺乏医药知识,对于药品的选择和购买在很大程度受到处方医生的影响。Because customers are lack of knowledge about medicines, their acts of choice and purchase of drugs are heavily affected by doctors who can prescript the medicaments.

我国对附随义务的规定过于简略,应从立法上进一步明确附随义务的各种形态,提高附随义务的法律效力,明确违反附随义务的责任形式及归责原则。The prescript of the affiliated obligation is simple, we should nail down the forms of it, improve the legal efficacy of it, and nail down the duty form and the principle of disobeying it.