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我们发现老吉姆•德莱尼死了。We found old Jim Delaney dead.

我们刚从德莱尼家回来。We just got back from the Delaney house.

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弗兰克是一个喜欢挑战的人。Frank Delaney is a man who enjoys a challenge.

德拉尼和百拉芬特这样的人都成了我笔下角色的原型。People like Delaney and Belafonte became role models for me.

1985年,德莱尼帮助成立了艾滋病倡导团体,告知工程。In 1985, Delaney helped build the AIDS advocacy group, Project Inform.

在8月,德莱尼蒸出与合作的首席科学家黛比凯利。In August, Delaney steamed out there with co-chief scientist Debbie Kelley.

德莱尼讲述了一个客户梦到了她的新男朋友在海中游泳。Delaney tells of one client who dreamed of her new boyfriend swimming in the ocean.

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撇开暗恋先不谈,在节目中,她提到关爱艾滋病宣传家马丁·德莱尼的死讯。Crushes aside, during her program, she mentioned the death of the AIDS advocate, Martin Delaney.

德莱尼法案看起来像是一项的错误的政策,因为它不断被修订,但并非如此。The Delaney Clause may seem like a policy mistake because it was so often amended, but that's not so.

“成为路易斯·莱恩”特辑访谈诺尔·尼尔,马戈特·基德尔,丹娜·德莱尼和埃里卡·乔杰斯。"Being Lois Lane" featuring interviews with Noel Neill, Margot Kidder, Dana Delaney and Erica Durance.

Delaney条款禁止批准任何可能导致人或动物癌症的食品添加剂。The Delaney proviso prohibits the approval of any food additive shown to induce cancer in humans or animals.

Delaney条款禁止批准任何可能导致人或动物癌症的色素添加剂。The Delaney proviso prohibits the approval of any color additive shown to induce cancer in humans or animals.

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国会一再的修改德莱尼条款以允许越来越多的例外,直至1996年它最终被废除。Congress repeatedly amended the Delaney Clause to allow for more and more exceptions, and in 1996 it was ultimately repealed.

勇士尝试在中场时夺回球权,在与小鱼争抢防守位置时,Delaney吹了艾里斯一个进攻犯规。When the Warriors attempted to inbound the ball at midcourt, Delaney called an offensive foul on Ellis while he was tangled up with Fisher.

德莱尼条款是由它的发起者——纽约国会议员吉姆•德莱尼命名的,是1958年的联邦食品、药品及化妆品法案的增加条例。The Delaney Clause was named after its sponsor, New York Congressman Jim Delaney , and was an addition to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1958.

Delaney警探在只穿了潜水服、面具和通气管而没有带氧气罐的情况下入水向依靠救生衣漂浮在水中的一名女性靠近。Detective Delaney entered the water without an air tank, but only his diving suit, mask and snorkel and approached a woman floating in a life vest, he said.

为了找到最有效的遗忘方法,Delaney和他的同事让200名大学生去做单词记忆。To find out which kinds of thoughts most effectively lead to forgetting, Delaney and colleagues challenged more than 200 college students to memorize lists of words.

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“迪克西的性格,行为和小的怪癖一点都没有改变,”吉利德莱尼说,“它从门外回来还是会发出一阵阵的猫喘鸣。”"Dixie's personality, behaviour and little mannerisms have not changed at all, " said Gilly Delaney. "We don't think she has stopped purring since she came back through the door.