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普雷维什更多地是一个政策制定者和经济外交家,而非理论家。Prebisch was more of a policymaker and economic diplomat than a theorist.

共产国际用来指导中国革命的东方战略,其核心内容是强调反帝革命。Couplet in all override on Comintern, it is the highest policymaker of world revolution.

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作为新浪的最高决策者,段永基为何忽然退隐?As the highest policymaker of sina, why does Duan Yongji retire from public life suddenly?

这种方法由于考虑了决策人对安全库存量的态度,因而比较切合实际。Considering over the attitude of policymaker. tais method comparatively conforms to reality.

在华盛顿的货币官员说美元贬值时,它鼓励了热钱涌入亚洲。When a policymaker in Washington talks down the dollar, it incites hot money flows into Asia.

对我来说,似乎并没有哪位美国决策者会认真严肃地对中国采取强硬路线。It seems to me that no American policymaker has taken a hardball option with them very seriously.

任何有干预主义倾向的政策制定者都将被带上尖顶帽赶到角落里。Any policymaker with an interventionist bent would be banished to the corner, wearing a pointy hat.

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布兰奇福劳是首位指出2009年英国经济衰退的决策者,并且是长时间以来呼吁降息的唯一声音.Blanchflower was the first policymaker to spot the 2009 UK recession and for a long time was a lone voice calling for interest rate cuts.

除了价格上涨,诺亚和欧洲央行的政策制订者史塔克停止了市场预期升息的可能。Despite rising prices, Noyer and fellow ECB policymaker Juergen Stark shot down market expectations for a series of ECB interest rate rises.

中国应对气候变化的高层政策制定者表示,中国的碳排放到2050年将开始减少。这是全球最大排放国第一次提供这样的时间框架。China's carbon emissions will start falling by 2050, its top climate change policymaker said, the first time the world's largest emitter has given such a time-frame.

决策者可依照本身所期望的侦测率和可接受之误报率,订定上下游佔有率预测误差的门槛值,来判断有无事件发生。The policymaker makes upstream and downstream thresholds according to his expectant detection rate and acceptable false-alarm rate to judge whether incident occurred.

通常很难把政府的商业利益与其作为产业管理者、法院发薪者、税收征收者和经济政策制订者的身份区分开来。It is often hard to disentangle the government's commercial interests from its roles as industry regulator, paymaster for courts, tax collector and economic policymaker.

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城市的决策者只有从城市整体出发,认识和调整各部分的功能,才可达到管理的最优选择。The policymaker of the city is knowing and adjusting the function of every part constantly only from setting out wholly, can just reach the optimum choice of management.

这就必须要求诀策者对未来运输市场的水运量做出较客观的估计,并在此基础上进行科学的筹资预测。The policymaker should estimate water transportation amounts of the future transportation market, as the basis of which they should make the scientific raising funds prediction.

"我们之所以对风险交易充满信心的原因是,没有一个决策者面临资产市场或其所在经济体出现二度衰退的情况,"Englander表示.""The reason we're confident about our risk trade is because there is no policymaker out there facing a double-dip recession in asset markets or in their economies," Englander said.

英格兰银行的货币政策委员会委员马丁·威尔暗示说,鉴于英国恢复乏力,他会投票赞成在英国进一步实施量化宽松计划。The Bank of England policymaker Martin Weale hinted that he would vote for a boost to the UK's quantitative easing programme following an examination of the UK's disappointing recovery.

以湘江大源渡航运枢纽工程拟建成河道型水库大源渡水库为例,对鱼类的影响分析为重点,为工程的决策提供了依据。Taking Dayuandu reservoir, a river course reservoir formed by construction of the Dayuandu pivotal project as example, and the effect focused on fish, to provide a basis for policymaker.

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多年以来,我一直在探讨应该在机场设立冥想室,取代鱼子酱商店和汽车展示厅,但我感觉自己更象是超现实主义的梦想家,而非清醒冷静的决策者。For years I have been arguing that airports should have meditation rooms rather than caviar emporiums and car showrooms but I felt more like a surrealist dreamer than a sober policymaker.

这种称呼只是在倾向上符合各国决策者的行动方式,因为一方面长期拖延的渐进主义或许会把市场…This kind of appellation just accords with the action means of each country policymaker on the tendency, because on one hand long-term and protracted advance gradually creed is met probably a market.