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形式主义的危险是真实的。The danger of formalism is real.

此之谓形式主义。This is what is called formalism.

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形式主义也是官僚主义。Formalism is a kind of bureaucratism.

这才是形式主义的雏形。This is really the origin of formalism.

反对形式主义,是我们党一贯坚持的。Object formalism , it is our party consistent importunate.

形式主义和功能主义可以对话吗?。Can Formalism and Functionalism Communicate with Each Other?

这套理论的强大作用,是难以置信的,对吗?And it's incredible how powerful that whole formalism is, right?

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三是坚决反对铺张浪费和形式主义。Third, we will resolutely oppose extravagance, waste and formalism.

何其芳的诗歌定义明显具有公式化的倾向。He qifang's definition of poetry is obviously inclined to be formalism.

他痴迷于西方音乐,厌恶三岛由纪夫的形式主义。He is a devoted fan of western music and hates the formalism of Mishima.

因此,对于这些使用依赖的方式来说,尚没有形式化的东西。Therefore, there is no formalism for what these use dependencies mean yet.

第二章,我们研究彩虹宇宙中的暴胀模型。In Chapter 2 we study the inflationary scenario in rainbow gravity formalism.

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不能够回答这个问题,那么其他任何事情都是形式主义和空谈。Anything short of answering this question will amount to formalism and lip service.

我们得到公式,在这样大一个时间尺度范围内都成立。And the formalism that we'll set up applies equally to the full range of time scales.

由哈密顿函数法就可进行解析射线追踪和傍轴射线追踪。Tracing and paraxial ray tracing are performed analytically by a Hamiltonian formalism.

政府职能转变还不到位,行政效率有待提高,形式主义、官僚主义比较突出,腐败现象在一些地方、部门和领域比较严重。Administrative efficiency needs to rise. Formalism and bureaucratism are still pronounced.

“陌生化”是俄国形式主义的核心概念,是“形式主义方法”的原则。"Bestrangement" is the core concept of Russian Formalism and principle of Formalism Method.

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这就是我们今天的案例了,我还是回头很形式主义地概括一下吧So here we have an example but I want to go back to the generality and to a bit of formalism.

DSLs为每个域提供了专门的形式体系而只需要尽可能少的语法和概念。DSLs offer a dedicated formalism for each domain with as few semantics and concepts as needed.

副职过多,效率难以提高,容易助长官僚主义和形式主义。Having too many deputy posts leads to low efficiency and contributes to bureaucracy and formalism.