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卡通的名字也排在前三分之一。Regina and Saskatoon also finished in the top one-third.

我5岁就去了加拿大,萨斯客彻温省萨斯卡通市。I went to Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada when I was 5 years old.

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之后我迁到萨斯卡通,在1995年夏季我开始听说玛丽亚。After I moved to Saskatoon in 1995 I began to hear from Maria in the summer.

但加拿大萨斯克屯研究中心的退休荣誉研究员陶尼对此说法并不同意。Keith Downey, research scientist emeritus at Canada's Saskatoon Research Center, disagrees.

随着时间的推移,玛丽亚在她自己的家乡萨斯卡通举行活动并且我参加了一些活动。As time went along, Maria held activities in her own home in Saskatoon and I attended a few.

威斯康辛增加了13天,加拿大的温尼佩市跟塞斯卡特分别增加了25和27天。LaCrosse, Wisc. has added 13 days, Winnipeg and Saskatoon in Canada have added 25 and 27 days, respectively.

我在萨斯卡通找到一群人,这样不论何时他们讨论一个事件,我开车数百英里来参加。I found a group of people in Saskatoon so whenever they put on an event, I drove the hundred miles to attend.

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我们有我们的热衷者上星期六在萨斯卡通最后的立体式集会并且它是另一次救援圈。We had our last gathering of Cloverleaf enthusiasts in Saskatoon last Saturday and it was another rescue circle.

在比较了110个北美城市后,穆斯乔位于第7,阿尔伯特王子第10,萨斯卡通第29,里贾纳第46。In a comparison of 110 North American cities, Moose Jaw placed 7th, Prince Albert 10th, Saskatoon 29th and Regina 46th.

过去两个星期时间里,由40位成员组成的弗尔涅的工作队搭建好了升空平台,位置是在萨斯卡通西北90英里处。In the past two weeks, Fournier’s 40-person team has assembled at the launch site, about 90 miles northwest of Saskatoon.

客齐集萨斯卡通的购买,出售及贸易类允许你找别人销售电子,电脑,家具等。Kijiji Saskatoon buy, sell and trade " category " allows you to find someone selling " electronics, " computers, furniture, and so on.

然后,与我分开,她在萨斯卡通工作场所遇到了其他人,就是后来与我在一起的时候立体式精神诞生。Then, separately from me, she met other people in Saskatoon at a workshop who were later with me when Cloverleaf was spiritually born.

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专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供上海到萨斯卡通特价机票。The professional services industry, in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Saskatoon.

我几年前因为开放登载我们通灵的报纸遇见她,并且她居住离我在萨斯卡通不到一英里。I met Sharon a few years ago because of the Open Line newspaper that we put our channelings in and she lives less than a mile from me in Saskatoon.

包括那些参加我们的在萨斯卡通的星期六小组和在考艾岛的星期四清晨小组,我们有每周一次会议和午餐家常便饭。That includes those who attend our Saturday group in Saskatoon and the Thursday morning group in Kauai at which we have weekly sessions and potluck lunches.

他是我们的立体式英国连接基于临近曼彻斯特而且他是通过团体场所带来一些不可思议的通灵信息。He is our Cloverleaf U. K. Connection based near Manchester and he has brought through some marvelous channeled messages in group situations. We see him once or twice a year in Kauai or Saskatoon.