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我的心往下沉。My heart sank.

他们撞沉了鱼雷艇。They sank my boat.

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由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切。So Eden sank to grief.

然后她便陷入了沉思。Then she sank in thought.

①最后,那条船沉下去了。In the end, that boat sank.

筋皮力尽地倒在椅子上。He sank back into the chair.

这两条船一块沉了。The two boats sank together.

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慢慢地他陷入睡梦之中。Gradually he sank into sleep.

他像一吨重的砖块一样沉下去!He sank like a ton of bricks!

这条船沉下四英寻。The ship sank in four fathoms.

青蛙艾下潜得最远到了底部。AI sank furthest to the bottom.

他的一番话最终被人理解了。Eventually his remarks sank in.

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太阳已沈入地平线。The sun sank below the horizon.

雨水渗透土壤后,田就可以播种了。The rain sank into the dry soil.

那条船深沉海底。The ship sank deep into the sea.

该船下沉二十英寻。The ship sank in twenty fathoms.

缺雨使水库水位降低。Lack of rain sank the reservoirs.

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那船触到了一些暗礁沉没了。The ship hit some rocks and sank.

思嘉一听到这消息心就沉了。Scarlett’s heart sank at the news.

雨水渗进了干旱的土地。The rain sank into the dry ground.