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我叫斯帕克。My name is Speck.

一点灰尘也没有。There is not a speck of dust.

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他把一点尘迹弹掉。He flipped a speck of dust off.

看不到一星星云丝。Not a speck of cloud is to be seen.

或是所储果物上的小疵瑕。Or little pitted speck in garner'd fruit.

他的衣领上有一点血斑。There was a speck of blood on his collar.

看到水面漂的那些油斑了吗?See that speck of tar floating in the water?

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远远的,伊利莎看到路上有个黑点。Far ahead on the road Elisa saw a dark speck.

她的手掸掉衣裙上的一点棉花絮。Her hand brushed a speck of lint from her skirt.

现在你在水里放一点点橘子汁。Now you put a speck of orange juice in the water.

金融世界转瞬间缩成一小斑点。The world of finance dwindled suddenly to a speck.

我们就把那些油斑当作鲸的眼睛。We'll pretend that speck of tar is the eye of a whale.

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这里有个小斑点,和一个甚至更小的斑点。So, we get a little speck here and an even tinier speck here.

我向下游远远的望了一下,看见水面上漂着一个黑点。I looked away down stream, and saw a black speck on the water.

但网络包含的实际信息的重量却不及一粒灰尘。But the actual information in it weighs less than a speck of dust.

吸进溶于此时此刻的万物之爱。Breathe in the love instilled into this speck of time and creation.

十年前,斯威特沃特镇只是一个在北美草原上苦苦挣扎的弹丸之地。Ten years ago it was just one more struggling speck on the prairie.

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它右下方的很小的班点是一粒勿忘草花粉。The tiny speck at its lower right is a grain of forget-me-not pollen.

终于看见一线光亮时,朱云翠在心底发誓要活着出去。Glimpsing a tiny speck of daylight, Yuncui vowed to work herself free.

在指正他人的缺点前请先除去自己眼里的沙子。We're to get the speck out of our eye before addressing the faults of others.