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什么是血红蛋白疾患?What are haemoglobin disorders?

关于血红蛋白疾患的事实Facts about haemoglobin disorders

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导致血红蛋白疾患的原因是什么?What causes haemoglobin disorders?

如何能减少血红蛋白疾患?How can haemoglobin disorders be reduced?

每年有30多万新生儿患有严重的血红蛋白疾患。Over 300 000 babies with severe haemoglobin disorders are born each year.

白细胞偏高和血红蛋白偏高该怎么办?How should leucocyte on the high side and haemoglobin on the high side do?

铁店在体内成为枯竭和血红蛋白合成受到抑制。Iron stores in the body become depleted and haemoglobin synthesis is inhibited.

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镰状细胞贫血是由血红蛋白异常引起的一种常见遗传病。Sickle-cell anaemia is a common genetic condition due to a haemoglobin disorder.

世卫组织理事机构通过了两项有关血红蛋白疾患的决议。The governing bodies of WHO have adopted two resolutions on haemoglobin disorders.

蛋白质的主要作用是什么?血红蛋白和酶各有什么功能?What is protein main effect? Haemoglobin and enzymatic what function do each have?

研究了酶法水解猪血红蛋白制备肉味香精的工艺。The preparation of meat flavor by enzyme hydrolyzed pig haemoglobin was investigated.

缺铁可导致贫血导致低水平的血红蛋白在血液中。Iron deficiency can cause anaemia resulting from low levels of haemoglobin in the blood.

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如果溶血突然出现,发展迅速,可见有血红蛋白。If haemolysis appears suddenly, development is rapid, have haemoglobin it is thus clear that.

疟疾寄生虫利用人类的血红素制造一种称为疟色素的颜料,它的上面有铁元素。Malaria parasites make from human haemoglobin a pigment called haemozoin which has iron in it.

采用等电聚焦电泳对中国矮马进行了血红蛋白多态性的检测。Haemoglobin polymorphism of Chinese miniature horses was examined by agarose gel isoelectric focusing.

导致胎儿体内储存更多的铁元素以制造更多的血红蛋白。One result of this is that available iron reserves in the foetus are conserved to make more haemoglobin.

当红血球里没有足够的血红蛋白时,氧气则无法到达身体各个部位。When there is not enough haemoglobin in the red blood cells, oxygen cannot get to all parts of the body.

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血红蛋白中遗传密码出现问题会导致世界上最常见的单基因病变。Errors in the genetic recipe for haemoglobin give rise to the most common single-gene disorder in the world.

糖化血红蛋白浓度与心血管和所有原因的死亡有着单一的联系。Glycated haemoglobin concentration has a monotonic relationship with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality.

Perutz成功地发现了所有血红蛋白原子结构的不同组成。Perutz successfully worked out the different arrangements of the structures of all the atoms of haemoglobin.