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灵魂的窒息症!Suffocation of the soul.


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一氧化碳中毒,马钱子碱,窒息。Carbon monoxide poisoning, Strychnine, suffocation.

还有的说,风扇可能会抽掉氧气,引发窒息。Or maybe they suck out the oxygen, causing suffocation.

在被消化之前,老鼠会死于窒息,甚至被吓死。The mouse will die of suffocation or even shock before digestion.

既然大脑停止了对身体呼吸的指挥,你将会窒息死。Since your brain stops commanding your body to breathe, you die from suffocation.

红尘滚滚,繁花依旧会嫣然绽放,清新的空气,让我有窒息的感觉。The world, the flowers will bloom, fresh air, let me have the feeling of suffocation.

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他说,大多数人死于窒息和内伤。"Most of the deaths were as a result of suffocation and internal injuries, " he said.

宽免成功的目标在24小时内免疫这个火元素造成的窒息效果。A target that makes her save is immune to suffocation from that elemental for 24 hours.

然而,当鱼从水中被抓起而窒息时,一定也很痛苦。However, their death through suffocation when they are taken from the water must be deeply unpleasant.

结果2例患者出现寒颤、高热,其中1例伴有心慌、胸闷。Results 2 patients came forth with chill and hyperpyrexia, and one of them appeared with tachycardia and suffocation.

这个病人想停止他的吸氧治疗,还请求Hansen-Flasche帮助他避免随后的窒息感。The patient wanted to stop his oxygen therapy and asked Hansen-Flaschen to help him avoid a sense of suffocation afterwards.

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患上这种病症而丧生的士兵通常皮肤泛青,死前因缺氧窒息而痛苦挣扎。The soldiers who perished often developed a bluish skin color and struggled horribly before succumbing to death by suffocation.

自己在城市里浮躁的心也被这里的雨给沁透,憋闷便成了静谧,此刻的我正享受着。My own heart blundering in city is rinsed by the rain here. The suffocation is away and only the? tranquility left for enjoying.

井巷及采场瓦斯的超限存在可导致人员窒息、遇火爆炸等矿井重大安全事故。The supernal limit existence in mine roadways and faces may cause mine big safety accident such as person suffocation explosion etc.

对鲫鲤杂交F1幼鱼的耗氧率、窒息点及其影响因素进行了测定。The oxygen consumption rate and suffocation point of cru carp F1 laver of Carassius auratus hybridized with Cyprinus capio are studied.

我害怕不断上升的婴儿猝死症和窒息的发生,你必须让孩子觉得舒适。I’m fearful of an increased risk of SIDS or suffocation with the amount of cushioning you need to use to make it comfortable for a baby.

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如果这根柱子变得松软而且红肿,它被称作“小舌”或者“葡萄串”,那样它就有带来窒息的趋势。If this pillar gets relaxed and inflamed it is called 'uvula' or 'bunch of grapes', and it then has a tendency to bring about suffocation.

义大利东北部城市维琴察的一家法院裁决维琴察市的「金色贝克」酒店展出龙虾的行为属于虐待龙虾,因为将龙虾放在冰块中展出会导致龙虾因窒息而缓慢死亡。A court in then or theastern city of vicenza ruled the display was af or m of abuse dooming the crustaceans to a slow death by suffocation.

意味着政治边缘化,司法践踏、公民社会窒息以及对异见者的打压。It meant the marginalization of politics, the taming of the judiciary, the suffocation of civil society and the crushing of any opposition.