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吉拉会留下,就像其他球星一样。Gila will stay as will all the other stars.

最近几场比赛吉拉的表现真是太棒了。Gila have been really great in recent games.

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他们也有很多机会,我们的吉拉也本来可以进两个球的。They had lots of opportunities. We could have double with Gila.

她们机会很多,但是吉拉完全可以为我们进两个球。They had plenty of chances but we could have doubled our total with Gila.

世界上最毒的动物中得包括美国的大毒晰。The gila monster has to be reckoned among the world's most poisonous creatures.

卡卡上演了完美的帽子戏法,吉拉迪诺也打进了在欧冠的首个进球。Three beautiful ones by Kakà and Gila scored his first in the Champions League.

我认为吉拉不会有太多的任务,因扎吉很好可以首发。I don't think Gila has to take more responsibility, Inzaghi is fine and could start.

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吉拉很因扎吉状态很好,他们有可能互相成为锋线搭档。Gila and Inzaghi are fine and they have the possibility of playing alongside each other.

去年夏天他们也曾打算拿特雷泽盖交换吉拉迪诺,但是那时米兰拒绝了他们。Last summer has been spoken of an exchange Trezeguet- Gila , but that time Milan rejected.

吉拉加盟米兰成为了官方正式消息,同时还有些其他事情也成为了现实。It is now official that Gila has joined Milan and with it something else has become official.

裁判吹掉了吉拉的进球,而佛罗伦萨由托尼打入第三球,锁定了胜局。The referee ruled out Gila 's goal and Toni sealed the win with the third goal for Fiorentina.

事实上,我已经收到威胁,如果我不能提供毒蜥之外别的食物,就有生命危险。The fact is, my life has been threatened if I don't come up with an alternative to Gila monster.

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吉拉很快尝试了一脚射门,但是再次被今晚表现出众的汉达诺维奇档出。Gila tried a shot immediately, but again it was saved by Handanovic, who had a great match today.

吉拉在下午早些时候没有和队友一起而是单独一人,然后他们一起吃了午饭。Gila left Milanello in the early afternoon along with his team-mates, after they all ate lunch together.

我希望他和吉拉都要快乐,他们赢得获得快乐,因为他们都是伟大的冠军。I hope that both he and Gila are able to feel the joy that they deserve because they are two great champions.

穆图和吉拉以前在维罗纳和帕尔马搭档过,对于互相了解有优势。Mutu and Gila played together at Verona and Parma and would have the advantage of already knowing each other.

吉拉也参与了第三球,正是吉拉将西多夫的传球切入卡卡的跑动路线。Gila was again involved in the third, redirecting Clarence Seedorf's pass into the path of Kaka for a low drive.

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2004年1月6日的那场胜利具有历史意义,而在上个赛季双方1-1战平,在那场比赛中吉拉蒂诺进球,而内斯塔从伤病中回来了。The victory on 6 January 2004 was historical. 1-1 a year ago, with Gila scoring and Nesta making his return from injury.

吉拉迪诺下场和拜仁的比赛将会停赛,不过我们的阵容还是很完整的,我们拥有很多可以改变比赛进程的球员。Gila will be suspended for Munich but we have a full squad. We have lots of players who can change the course of the game.

此地景色优美,有如仙境,而这条龙看起来像是一只长着翅膀的毒蜥蜴。The place is visualized with an almost classical deep-focus fairy-tale beauty, and the dragon itself looks like a Gila monster with wings.