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土豚是夜行动物。Aardvarks are nocturnal.

但是在夜间工作并非那么容易的事情。But being nocturnal ain’t easy.

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蝙蝠和猫头鹰都是夜行性动物。Bats are nocturnal animal, so do owl.

在我双眼的夜幕低垂之前。Before my eyes nocturnal curtains fall.

夜行性与睡眠相关饮食失调症Nocturnal sleep-related eating disorder

我的心,如黑夜中的花朵般闭敛。My heart closes like a nocturnal flower.

听说这些奇异鸟是昼伏夜出的鸟类。I learned that these birds are nocturnal.

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湿梦也被认为是夜间遗精。A wet dream is also known as a nocturnal emission.

蜜袋鼯是夜行动物,原产澳洲。Sugar gliders are nocturnal and native to Australia.

“nightmare”就是其中一种出没于夜间的鬼。The nightmare was the nocturnal species of this genus.

它的旧名字夜间肌肉抽动已经很少使用了。An older name, nocturnal myoclonus, is rarely used anymore.

我已经41岁了,居然现在开始来个全新的夜游探险。I'm 41 and I'm starting this whole new nocturnal adventure.

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因为他们是夜间,他们并不暴露于太阳。Because they are nocturnal , they are not exposed to the sun.

在夜色里,他的歌词讲述着简单的故事,他的旋律是迷人的情歌。Set to nocturnal atmospherics, his lyrics tell simple stories

家兔有其固定的生活特性,其一昼伏夜动。Rabbit has its fixed features of life, one nocturnal movement.

原产于北美和中美夜间活动的杂食性哺乳动物。Omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to north and central america.

如果你去野营,晚上可以听见动物的夜歌。If you go camping, at night you'll hear all the nocturnal animals.

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这两种疾病都导致入睡推迟和夜间觉醒。Both conditions cause a delay in sleep onset and nocturnal awakenings.

多汗也与夜间血糖控制不良有关。Excessive sweating is associated with poor nocturnal glycemic control.

在这无情的季节里,在这可怕的夜间,我在乡野徘徊。I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season.