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他们梦想着经验与世界,有一种未经调和的关系。They dream of an unmediated relationship between experience and the word.

他们梦想着经验与世界,有一种未经调和的关系。They dream of an unmediated relationship between experience and the word.

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但是莲花茶馆绝对给你一个原汁原味的老香港。But what Lin Heung does offer is a tasty and unmediated slice of Old Hong Kong.

CASHL是高校图书馆使用的文献传递服务系统中最典型的非中介服务体系。CASHL is the most typical unmediated document delivery service system in university library.

超文字连接创设了一种分支的或网状的结构,可以直接地、无须中间的步骤就得到有关的信息。Hypertext links create a branching or network structure that permits direct, unmediated jumps to related information.

情感性素质,强大的图像和原生态的表现是当代建筑界最突出的元素。EMOTIONAL qualities, powerful images and unmediated expressiveness are the most prominent elements of contemporary architecture.

因此,即使像十诫这种被认为是,直接来自上帝的话语也可以以不止一种版本出现。So that even a text like the Decalogue, which is represented as being the unmediated word of God, can appear in more than one version.

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但那些试图否认他们创作的基础概念而偏好无中介的表达的人实际上是陷入了写作的极端教条。But those who wish to deny the conceptual basis of their writing in favor of unmediated expression risk falling into a dogmatic rigidity about writing.

将目标文件分为调解之前与调解之后两个部分保证了一个调解的地址与一个没有调解的地址具有相同的服务质量。The splitting of destinations to form pre- and post-mediated parts ensures that a mediated destination has the same quality of service as an unmediated destination.

分析了非中介文献传递服务产生的原因和可行性,并对服务开展过程中需要注意的问题提出一些看法。This paper analyzes the reason, necessity and possibility of implementing unmediated document delivery service, and presents some suggestions on how to implement the service.

CHSHL与NSTL分加是我国人文社会科学领域和自然科学领域最具代表性的集中式的无中介文献伟递服务体系。CHSHL and NSTL are the two most representative examples of the centralized and unmediated document delivery systems in social sciences & humanities and natural Scinces in China.

“对等经济”的本意是要说明交易双方之间不经由某个大公司牵线搭桥的较直接的联系,但它具有两方面的误导性。It's meant to get at the more direct connection between the people on either side of a transaction, unmediated by a big faceless company, but"peer economy"is misleading in two ways.

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这意味着我们会避免使用菜单和其他抽象的用户指南,相反我们研究如何无预设地利用现实世界中的任务来作为互动手段。This usually means we try avoiding menu structures and other types of abstract GUI's, but rather focus on interaction modalities that borrow their behavior from unmediated , real-world tasks.

一些群众和个人在网上公布了那些灭狗的最真实的照片及数据,准备给官方实施压力。The reaction of groups and individuals, often through the Internet, also provides a striking illustration of the emergence of true public opinion in China, unmediated by the official press or censors.

它是唯一能免于未适当表达的谬误的一种知识形式,换句话说,免于一种谬误,比如,当我说“天在下雨“时“,我的意思是,我是一个气象学家,并且我的意思是天在下雨。It is the only form of knowledge free from the fallacy of unmediated expression--in other words, free from the fallacy that when I say "It is raining," I mean I'm a meteorologist and I mean it is raining.