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麻烦可能再次爆发。Trouble could flare anew.

眩光的强度。The strength of the flare.

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请看一段太阳耀斑的视频Watch a video of the solar flare.

一阵风吹得火把闪闪发光。A gust of wind made the torches flare.

皱皱鼻子,张开鼻孔。Sniffle. Wrinkle nose. Flare nostrils.

在大城市可能爆发骚乱。Trouble may flare up in the big cities.

酒癖的英雄气概闪着光彩在翱翔。Wine Maniac's heroism soars with flare.

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把铜管做成喇叭口形状以便接上活络接头。Flare up the cooper tube to connect a union.

行星的路线影响了太阳耀斑活动。This magically kick-starts the sun's flare activity.

在左侧的活动区域中跳起一个小耀斑。A small flare rises from the active area on the left.

我看到手电筒在黑暗中突然闪出的亮光。I saw the sudden flare of a flashlight in the darkness.

你臀部的丰满可以平衡你的肩宽。The flare at your hips will balance out your shoulders.

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这是飞机工具箱里的,只有一个照明弹。This was in the plane's toolbox. There's only one flare.

更重要的是,直到照明弹消失后才离开。And more importantly , drag it out until flare wears off.

道路照明弹的持续时间从2分钟增加到4分钟。Road Flare duration increased from 2 minutes to 4 minutes.

就是在地面,一次巨大的太阳风暴也能使电网超过载荷。Even on the ground, a large flare can overload power grids.

你大可不必因为我提到你的工作就动怒。You need not flare up merely because I mentioned your work.

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您们一抵达集合地点立刻发射一颗红色的信号弹。As soon as you get to the assembly point send up a red flare.

2010年9月8日,从太阳表面爆发处的C3级耀斑。On Sept. 8, 2010, a C3-class solar flare erupts from the Sun.

太阳耀斑发射出的什么东西会有这种效果呢?What could the flare send forth that could have such an effect?