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引航员和舵工下船了。Pilot and helmsman left ship.

那舵手把我们的船掉过头来。The helmsman brought us about.

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舵手把我们引上了新途!The helmsman steered us through!

是的,舵工懂英语。Yes, helmsman understands English.

舵手拨转船头。The helmsman brought the ship about.

不,舵工不懂英语。No, helmsman does not understands English.

舵手独自一人就能变换航向。The helmsman could tack the boat singlehanded.

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这是我们的土地,但我们不能看着它,我们的舵手NVA说。It is our land but we can't look at it, said NVA, our helmsman.

只有勤勉有力的舵手才能驾驭生命之舟,到达成功的彼岸。Only the diligent and efficient helmsman of the life boat can attained success.

市场是海,企业是船,质量是帆,人是舵手。Market is the sea, shipping enterprises, quality is the fan, who is the helmsman.

舵手TVA准备设备,准备在西沙海域进行第一夜的捕鱼。Helmsman TVA prepared equipment for the first night of fishing in the Hoang Sa sea.

人生是海洋,希望是舵手的罗盘,使人们在暴风雨中不致迷失方向。Life is the ocean, hope is the helmsman of the compass, make people not get lost in the storm.

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华南城中心大厦,像个船帆,象征着乘风破浪的舵手。South China City Center Building, like a sail, a symbol of the winds and waves of the helmsman.

王广义同样地退去自然的颜色,以深灰及黑色去描绘这个领袖。The artist has again eliminated all natural color from the image, depicting the Great Helmsman in dark grays and blacks.

所加驾驶员和舵工均熟悉在主操舵系统和应急操舵系统之间的转换,反之亦然。All the officers and helmsman are familiar with the change-over from the main to the emergency steering system, or vice versa.

悲痛欲绝的中国人民在昨晚送别了他们“伟大的舵手”后,开始思索起国家的未来问题,而这一切并不意外。The Chinese people, sad but hardly surprised, began to consider their future last night without their country's great helmsman.

乔治竹井,最佳宇多田光苏禄,该企业号舵手,在已知的发言在圣何塞开幕日活动。George Takei, best known as Hikaru Sulu, the helmsman of the U. S. S. Enterprise, spoke at the opening event in San Jose on Tuesday.

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赛艇上的舵手在整个赛艇队中起着统帅作用,无论身体上还是策略运用上对舵手都有特殊的要求。The helmsman on the racing boat is the same as the commander of an army, who has to meet tactical challenges as well as being athletic.

几年的训练和比赛,郝彤途已经成为一个优秀的舵手,但是许多往事却叫人难以忘怀。After several years of training and competition, Hao Tongtu has become an excellent helmsman. Everything he experienced is unforgettable.

在重庆新落成的一个大学校园里,一尊20米高的“伟大舵手”雕像耸立在教学楼和宿舍楼的旁边。At the city's new university campus, a 20-metre statue of the Great Helmsman towers over the classrooms and dormitories that surround it.