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在虎钳中翻转差速箱。Invert the differential case in the vise.

你能猜到这幅反白相片中的人是谁吗?Do u know who was that guy in the invert picture?

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方面用于倒置依赖和解耦代码。Aspects are used to invert dependencies and decouple code.

颠倒匹配的意义,也就是说,只要不匹配的行……Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.

必有行列式不为零?You can invert A if the determinant of A is not equal to zero?

我们是怎样做的呢?,提示你们一下。So, how did we invert matrices? Let me just remind you very quickly.

把大蒜放在茶托上,然后将赤土罐罐口对准大蒜倒放。Place the garlic on the saucer, invert the pot, and place it over your garlic.

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我把目光从花样繁多的倒置转换器广告上移开.I averted my eyes from the diverse advertisements for the invert converter.

尤其是,在考试里,你们要知道怎么手算逆矩阵。In particular, on the exam, you will need to know how to invert a matrix by hand.

本文主要分析了在线互动式UPS电源的充电、逆变的基本原理。The paper mainly analysed the charge and invert principle of line-interactive UPS.

我上次让你们逆推变换公式的时候,有的同学觉得很困难Somehow, when I told you to invert the transformation, some of you had some difficulty.

当你搞混的时候,你弄反了,当然就都错了。When you get it mixed up you invert it, which of course makes you get everything wrong.

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取一个大盆或是蛋糕模盖住,放到暖处发酵大约1小时,面团膨胀为双倍。Invert large bowl over dough and let rise in warm place 1 hour or until doubled in bulk.

之所以要倒贴,是因为“倒”在中文里与“到来”谐音。It is because the Chinese word for invert bears the same pronunciation as the word arrive.

浏阳河隧道二衬最不利位置一般位于仰拱或拱顶处。The vault and invert of Liuyanghe tunnel lining are the dangerous position for the lining.

我认为依赖倒置非常重要,因此打算转换对Guice的依赖。I think Dependency Inversion is so important that I want to invert the dependencies on Guice!

蛋糕脱模、放在架子上让它完全冷却。Invert the cake, still in the pan, onto a wire rack and leave to cool completely, upside down.

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当您将Z-FX加入至封体剂时,请简单的将Z-FX的瓶子倒置让Z-FX缓慢的滴出。When adding ZFX to your polish, simply invert the bottle, and let the drops gently trickle out.

取出蛋糕立即翻放于架上,撕去蛋糕背面烤纸,稍微晾凉5分钟。Immediately invert the cake to cool for about 5 minutes on a rack and peel off the baking paper.

将一个大号平底盘倒扣在锅上方,将锅底朝上翻,圆饼直落进盘。Place a large flat plate on top of the pan and invert the pan. The tortilla should come right out.