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对于缺铁性贫血。Iron deficiency anemia.

缺铁可导致贫血。Iron deficiency can lead to anaemia.

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克罗恩病是一种免疫缺陷病?Crohn's disease as an immune deficiency?

原因之一甲状腺肿是缺碘。One cause of goitre is iodine deficiency.

我最怕的是他缺钙。I fear most is that he calcium deficiency.

有人说这也有可能是缺钙的表现。I do not like your baby calcium deficiency.

也许我在送礼物方面的不足之处来自于遗传。Maybe my gift-giving deficiency is genetic.

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这就是写实主义的缺陷。This is a deficiency in realistic painting.

这是缺钙的反应。This is the reaction of calcium deficiency.

这种指南的缺乏是一个主要的不足之处。This lack of guidance is a major deficiency.

缺乏维生素?业贾仑?偻病。A deficiency of Vitamin ?? results in rickets.

缺铁可以导致手足冰冷吗?Could iron deficiency lead to cold hands and feet?

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指甲发脆表明缺钙。Brittle nails are indicative of calcium deficiency.

但他并没有其他缺钙的症状。But he has no other symptoms of calcium deficiency.

现有的刑事代理制度也有其自身的缺陷。The criminal procuration system has its deficiency.

缺锌是导致胃癌发生率升高的危险因素。Zinc deficiency is a risk factor of stomach cancer.

纯素食者患维生素B12缺乏症的风险真的很高吗?Are vegans really at greater risk of B12 deficiency?

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缺少维生素A也叫眼球干燥症。Vitamin A deficiency is also known as xerophthalmia.

维生素D缺乏性佝偻病。怎样预防?Vitamin D deficiency rickets. What about prevention?

钙剂缺乏是引起这种疾病的主要原因。Calcium deficiency is the main cause of this malaise.