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他勇敢地面对苦难。He bore his sufferings manfully.

他勇敢地面对困难。He faced up to his troubles manfully.

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他勇敢地面对他的困难。He faced up to his troubles manfully.

他勇敢地面对自己的麻烦。He faced up to his troubles manfully.

他以男子汉的气概勇敢地面对困难。He faced up to his difficulties manfully.

男子般气概的你会紧握忍耐的支柱。Manfully cling to the pillar of Patience.

他们勇敢地与这些疾病做斗争。They were fighting back the diseases manfully.

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做一个大丈夫,鄙视那土耳其暴君的枷锁。Then manfully despising The Turkish tyrant's yoke.

科林·费尔斯扮演她的父亲,一个不情愿的国王英勇地克服了他的结巴。Colin Firth as her father, a reluctant king manfully overcoming his stammer.

所以现在,我若是勇敢舍生,我不愧有此高龄。Wherefore by departing manfully out of this life, I shall shew myself worthy of my old age.

五年半来这位瑞典人一直兢兢业业地做着这项就很多人看来无法想象的工作。For five-and-a-half years the Swede has toiled manfully in what many have described as the 'impossible job'.

它是众多愚笨的本性和忠诚,是对于有品质的生活的热爱,能让其保留英勇的气概。It is a mass of dumb instincts and allegiances, the love of a certain quality of life, to be maintained manfully.

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尽管任务很艰巨,进展也缓慢,工人们仍顽强果断地继续干着。Despite the difficulty of the task,and the slowness of the progress,the workers continued to plug away at it manfully.

布拉德德隆通过各种强有力的评论来定义节俭悖论,并用纯货币理论来解释我们现在的困境。Brad DeLong manfully takes on the efforts of various commentators to define away the paradox of thrift and redefine our current problems as somehow wholly monetary.

经历了首个辉煌的英超赛季后,卡瓦略不希望被穆里尼奥驱赶出他豪华的阵容。After an accomplished first season in England, Carvalho did not expect to be ousted from the side as Mourinho tries manfully to juggle the embarrassment of riches at his disposal.