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癞蛤蟆想天鹅肉吃。A toad hankering for a taste of swan.

我一眼就被一个巨大的绿色马车吸引住了。I took an instant hankering for a huge green wagon.

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一些欧佩克成员国甚至希望未来几个月的油价更高。Some OPEC states are hankering for even higher oil prices in the months ahead.

在漫长的冬季,营养物不那么容易得到,就有可能引发山羊的这种渴望。Nutrients that aren't as available during the long winter may trigger the hankering.

超然,巴蒂,唯一的超然,无欲无求,所有的渴望欲望停止。Detachment, buddy, and only detachment, desirelessness, cessation from all hankering.

问题是,一旦习惯了最豪华的生活,要想再上一层楼会十分困难。Problem is, once you are used to life's finest, that hankering can be hard to satisfy.

但读者们想了解加顿•阿什对于政权更迭之后的乱局有何见解的渴望却未得到满足。But the reader is left hankering to know what Mr Garton Ash thinks about the mess that has succeeded it.

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偶尔还会有想共度春宵的情侣将其误认为是情人酒店。Occasionally, it's even mistaken for a love hotel by couples hankering for some time beneath the sheets.

如果你非常渴望看到流星雨,月亮的缺席无疑让2009年成为观测猎户座流星雨最佳的年份。So if you're hankering to see some meteors, the total absence of moonlight makes 2009 an opportune year for the Orionids.

他们将来也会回归,正如阿布拉哈一样,带着宝贵的技术,以及异于陆路国家的对于大海的追求。They would also return, as Mr Abraha has, with valuable skills and a hankering for the briny unusual in a landlocked country.

比如说,你一直想要一些酷玩乐队的曲目,只需创建一张播放列表,把所有四张专辑全拖进去。Say, for instance, you're hankering for some Coldplay. Create a playlist, drag and drop all four albums, and you're good to go.

再说,要是拉胡尔能和她一起再呆上一整天,懒洋洋的夏季的一天,缓慢悠长、相亲相爱的一天,或许她这种新近生成的热望就会消融、散去。And also, if Rahul can have just another whole day with her, an idle summer's day, a slow attentive day, perhaps this new hankering of hers will melt away.

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印度人并不希望自己像中国人一样被监督,限言,剥夺投票权,但是他们希望自己可以像中国的中产阶级那样购买消费品。Indians show no obvious hankering to be censored, silenced or deprived of the vote. But they would love to amass consumer goods the way China’s middle class does.

法国的连锁超市巨头家乐福却并没在亚洲取得成功,因为著名的乳糖不耐症使东方人迅速转向了对布利干酪的喜爱。The success in Asia of Carrefour, the French giant superstore chain, didn't come because the famously lactose-intolerant East suddenly developed a hankering for brie.

挚信虔诚的人们,不求回报地奉行上述身,口,意三方面的戒修,就是处于善性的品德中。These three kinds of austerities when practiced without hankering for fruitive rewards by devout persons of ardent faith is designated as being in the nature of goodness.

在线路的某个地方,在化身或其他东西里,如果你想要,你不仅能渴望成为一个演员,也能成为一个出色的演员,你想现在是被困住了。Somewhere along the line in one damn incarnation or another, if you like, you not only had a hankering to be an actor or an actress, but to be a good one. You're stuck with it now.

由于地处热带,而且飓风让动物园面目全非,再加上一大帮珍禽异兽的狂热粉丝,佛罗里达成了这些外来物种的“圣城”。Thanks to its tropical climate, zoo-wrecking hurricanes and a greater-than-usual number of people with a hankering for fashionably exotic pets, Florida is an invasive-species mecca.

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不可否认的是,谷歌新总裁Larry一直觊觎移动手机业务,这次的收购应是其雄心壮志的一次升华。But it is undeniable that Google's new chief executive, Larry Page, has long had a hankering for the mobile phone business, and this acquisition may be the culmination of his ambitions.

上述报告还补充说,投身股票市场的压力来自于全球股权基金经理——他们渴望将手中积聚的现金以股份回购、股息或收购的形式花出去。The study adds that pressure is growing from global equity fund managers who are hankering for the hoarded cash to get distributed in the form of share buybacks, dividends or acquisitions.

弄清楚什么能让他们动心,什么能触动他们的广告神经,对于想分得中国这个巨大且增长中的消费市场的一杯羹的公司来说,是最为重要的。Figuring out what makes them tick — what pushes their buttons in an advertising sense — is a top priority for any company hankering for a piece of China's huge, increasingly affluent consumer class.