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发作时的主要症状为自动症。Attack of the main symptoms of automatism.

这样的自动作用的本质为何?What might the nature of such automatism be?

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当你手机打开时,该软件会自动检查。The software automatism check when you phone open.

多数有自发或环境诱发的自动症。Most are self-induced automatism or the environment.

在国家队提高了我们俩的配合。Playing together in the national team improves our automatism.

可有神游症、夜游症等自动症表现。May have fugue disorder, psychosis automatism night performance.

当你提高听力的时候,口语不自觉地也提高了。As you expand the ability of the ear, speaking becomes an automatism.

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这是道德意志在人心中自动作用的结果吧。This is the moral will in the will of the people the automatism result.

在癫痫、自动等无意识的情况中,也可作同样的判断标准。In the unconscious cases, e. g. of epilepsy, automatism , etc. , the same test can be used.

介绍了SLT型罐道绳在线检测自动调整装置及其工作原理。Expatiates SLT cage path rope online detect automatism modulate device and working elements.

目的分析癫自动症的临床和脑电图特征。Objective To investigate the clinical and electroencephalographic characteristics of automatism.

系统提供了“自动方式”和“人工方式”操作,由键盘进行操作。The system offers "automatism" and "manual work" operation that can be selected by the keyboard.

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众所周知这是一支球队,它不需要任何动员,只是其中的一种情况。It's a team we all know, it does not need any kind of automatism , and it's only a matter of condition.

我们要考虑的组合性自动作用的形式特徵是事件的发生像是一连串。The formal characteristic of the associational automatism to be considered is that events occur in chains.

托马斯的辩护律师团队争辩说,这是由于停车场青年的压力而导致的“非精神错乱的无意识行为”。His defence team argued it was "non-insane automatism" brought on by the stress of the youths in the car park.

采用超声探伤的原理,开发一种速度快、功能强的铜棒超声波自动检测系统。Based on ultrasonic testing principium, a system of ultrasonic automatism testing for copper rods is developed.

该文提出了基于特征实体模型上的截面轮廓造型自动特征识别方法。This paper proposes a new approach to automatism extracting machining feature from a feature-based entity design model.

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结论过渡细胞属慢反应自律细胞,传导速度比普通房肌慢。Conclusion The transitional cell may be a kind of slow-reaction cell with automatism frequency. It has a low conduction velocity.

利用重用技术,在CATIA平台上实现了航空件如导管、副油箱等产品的焊接夹具设计过程的自动化,有效的提高了设计效率。A welding fixture CAD system has been developed on CATIA to automatism the design process, and has enhanced the design efficiency greatly.

艺术家的主要艺术风格是用抽象形式描写其无意识世界,这种抽象形式来源于抽象表现主义的自动性。My art style is basically to depict my unconscious world in an abstract form that is derived from Automatism of the Abstract Expressionism.