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阿莫斯现在做什么呢?What does Amos do now?

本。阿莫斯守门。Ben Amos will keep goal.

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阿莫斯平静地瞅了我一会儿。Amos faced me quietly for a while.

阿摩司曾谈到列王割草的事。Amos speaks of the king's mowings.

他说,阿摩司阿,你看见什么。And he said, Amos , what do you see?

爱默斯?阿隆佐?史塔哥担任足球员与足球教练长达71年之久。Amos Alonzo Stagg played and coached football for 71 years.

各位,这位是阿莫斯,是我的同事魔法部的。This is Amos Diggory. Everyone. Works with me at the Ministry.

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他知道这将是一部狗屁重磅的纪录片。“He knew that this was a holy-shit piece of film,” Amos told me.

拜金主义不仅仅是阿摩司时代的问题,也同样的存在于我们的时代。Mammonism is not only a problem of Amos time, but also of our time.

来抢救的消防员知道他们不可能直接把阿莫斯从井里拉出来。Firefighters realized that Amos could not just be pulled from the well.

但我们也有库什萨克,还有本。阿莫斯和汤姆。西顿。But we've also got Tomasz, and behind him there's Ben Amos and Tom Heaton.

诺福克警察局警官阿莫斯透露说,福格蒂的汇款单最后没有被换成现金,它将被裱起来在警察局的博物馆�展出。Fogarty's money order will not be cashed, Norfolk police Officer Amos said.

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阿摩司在这里指出他们的偶像不仅仅是巴力和赫拉,还有财神。Here Amos extended their idols are not only Baal and Asherah but also "Mammon".

身为警察同时也是历史爱好者的奈杰尔.阿莫斯扮演威廉公爵。Policeman and historical enthusiast Nigel Amos played the part of Duke William.

我们上次宣布索马里进入饥荒状态是在19年前。The last time we did so in Somalia was 19 years ago, " said Valarie Amos is U."

图图奥拉是为尼日利亚带来国际声誉的第一位作家。Amos Tutuola is the first Nigerian writer who has won international recognition.

人们记得牧羊人阿摩斯,石匠苏格拉底,帐篷匠奥马尔。One thinks of Amos the sheepherder, Socrates the stonemason, Omar the tentmaker.

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抑或是即将买下阿莫斯同时在比赛中输了一大笔钱的杰布。Or is to be bought in the game, Amos also lost a large sum of money of jie cloth.

抑或是行将买下阿莫斯同时在竞赛中输了一大笔钱的杰布。Or will buy in the competition, Amos also lost a large sum of money of jie cloth.

曼联的年轻门将本。阿莫斯将在剩余的赛季租借到奥尔德海姆。Young Reds goalkeeper Ben Amos will spend the rest of the season on loan at Oldham Athletic.