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伊斯帕尼奥拉号向金银岛的航行开始了。The Hispaniola had begun her voyage to Treasure Island.

在返回西班牙之前,哥伦布还去过古巴和海地。Columbus also explored nearby Cuba and Hispaniola before returning to Spain.

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我看到在我正前方不到半英里的地方,西斯潘尼奥拉号在扬帆而行。Right in front of me, not half a mile away, I beheld the Hispaniola under sail.

他探索了该岛,以及附近几个岛屿,也就是现在得古巴和伊斯帕尼奥拉岛。He explored it, and the nearby islands of what is now known as Cuba and Hispaniola.

随伊斯帕尼奥拉号从布里斯托尔出航的全体人员只有五个人回来。Only five of the men who had sailed from Bristol with the Hispaniola returned with her.

然后我听见大船把小船撞沉的声音,我只知道我已无路可逃了。Then I heard the Hispaniola hit the little boat , and I was left with no way to escape.

伊斯班袅拉号翻卷着浪花稳定地推进着,不时升起又降下它的第一斜桅。The HISPANIOLA rolled steadily, dipping her bowsprit now and then with a whiff of spray.

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多米尼加与海地同处于加勒比海北部的伊斯帕尼奥拉岛。Dominican Republic and Haiti in the Caribbean Sea with the northern island of Hispaniola.

第二天我们把所有的金子都运到海边,然后用小船运到伊斯帕尼奥拉号上。Next morning , we moved all the gold to the beach. Then we took it by boat to the Hispaniola.

雅克梅勒镇的狂欢节是最能展现海地及海地岛有趣文化的现象之一。Carnival in Jacmel is one of the most interesting cultural manifestations in Haiti and in Hispaniola.

在雅克梅勒镇举办的狂欢节是海地和伊斯帕尼奥拉岛其中一个最令人感兴趣的文化变现。Carnival in Jacmel is one of the most interesting cultural manifestations in Haiti and in Hispaniola.

此次地震是伊斯帕尼奥拉岛地区自1946年以来最强的地震,远至巴西东部都能感觉到。The tremor was the strongest in the Hispaniola region since 1946 and was felt as far away as eastern Cuba.

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在这段航程中,哥伦布还到过古巴东北海岸和伊斯帕尼奥拉岛北部海岸。During this voyage Columbus also explored the northeast coast of Cuba and the northern coast of Hispaniola.

位于西印度群岛的一个国家,由伊斯帕尼尔奥拉群岛的西部和两个近海岛屿组成。A country of the West Indies comprising the western part of the island of Hispaniola and two offshore islands.

那两只划于从伊斯班袅拉号出发上岸时大约是一点半钟——用海上的话说是钟敲三下①。IT was about half past one--three bells in the sea phrase--that the two boats went ashore from the HISPANIOLA.

他起身以惊人的速度向我扑过来,正在这时伊斯帕尼奥拉号突然搁浅,向一侧倾斜。He got up and came at me with surprising speed , but suddenly the Hispaniola hit the sand and went over on one side.

小艇只稍稍被风推了一下,我几乎一下子对准伊斯班袅拉号的船头撞去。The breeze had but little action on the coracle, and I was almost instantly swept against the bows of the Hispaniola.

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斯摩列特船长下了命令,伊斯帕尼奥拉号掉头从东面靠近小岛。Captain Smollett gave orders , and the Hispaniola turned so that the ship would sail just clear of the island on the east.

西斯潘尼奥拉号正鼓起主帆和两个大三角帆前进,美丽的白帆在阳光下如雪似银。The Hispaniola was under her main-sail and two jibs , and the beautiful white canvas shone in the sun like snow or silver.

这就是我们万里迢迢来寻找的弗林特的宝藏,伊斯班袅拉号上已有十七个人为此送了命。That was Flint's treasure that we bad come so far to seek, and that had cost already the lives of seventeen men from the Hispaniola.