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野人海岸迅猛龙遗址。Savage Coast Raptor Fields.

猛龙队史最伟大的球员。Greatest Raptor of all time.

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也许迅猛龙也差不多,但我从来没抓过。Perhaps a raptor could match, but I have never tamed one.

弗吉尼亚州的兰利基地部署了大约30架F-22“猛禽”战斗机。"Langley, Virginia base deployed about 30 F-22" Raptor "fighter.

乘载艾伦回到卡舰的猛禽编号多少?What is the number of the Raptor Ellen uses to return to Galactica?

迄今为止,最大的分歧在于F-22猛禽隐形战斗机。The biggest disagreement sofar has come over the F-22 Raptor stealth jet.

所有西数的猛禽系列硬盘都特别安静。All of the Raptor hard drives from Western Digital are exceptionally quiet.

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我会更新写评论,因为猛禽菖蒲造和我一起度过了更长的时间。I'll update this review as the Raptor Shobu and I spend more time together.

此技能使你的迅猛龙在每杀死一个敌人后能恢复一定的生命值。Feast of Prey allows your raptor to recover health every time it kills an enemy.

猛禽还在其他方面严重受限,但是没有大范围的报告。The Raptor suffers other, serious limitations, that haven’t been widely reported.

如今在五角大楼的走廊里,F-18的电子战型号也击败了猛禽。Now the electronic F-18 has also beaten the Raptor in the hallways of the Pentagon.

逐个记分,这只猛禽在参议院有45个支持者,盖茨只有23个支持者。By one tally, the Raptor had 45 supporters in the Senate. Gates had only 23 backers.

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在“凤凰飞翔”中,布玛儿在那架猛禽机中飞了多少次任务?In "Flight of the Phoenix", Boomer was said to have flown how many missions in the same raptor?

同时请记住,一个好的鹰猎者并不一定要等于一个成功的猛禽繁殖者。Also keep in mind that good falconers do not necessarily equate to successful raptor propagators.

他是飞上“猛禽”的第二名飞行员,也是进行包线拓展飞行的两名主力试飞员之一。He was the second pilot to fly the Raptor and one of the lead pilots in envelope expansion flights.

本次演习将包括在本地区首次训练的F-22“猛禽”战机。The exercise will include F-22 Raptor aircraft training for the first time in the theater, he said.

西斯稀里成为第三个猛禽曾经两次赢得该奖项,加入卡特和达蒙斯塔德迈尔。Bargnani became the third Raptor ever to win the award twice, joining Vince Carter and Damon Stoudamire.

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受到强大的F-22猛禽战斗机的启发,兰博基尼Reventón的发动机有恐怖的6.5升12缸。Boasting a 6.5 L V12 engine, this “very limited” Lamborghini Reventon is inspired the mighty F-22 Raptor.

不过那不足以改变将军们当被问及在“猛禽”以及更便宜的F-18中间做选择时的想法。But that wasn’t enough to sway top generals, when asked to choose between the Raptor and the much cheaper F-18.

可喜!小鹰开始尝试自己吃食物了,撕咬、吞咽,展现出猛禽的天性。Congratulations! The eaglet started trying to eat by himself, tearing and swallowing his prey like a real raptor.