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克莱尔显得有些尴尬“不好意思,是我心急了。Clare is abashed. “I’m sorry!

他的话让我觉得局促不安。His words let me feel abashed.

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我臭美了。羞煞我也。I boasted. Abashed very I also.

你的好意令我很不安。Your kindness quite abashed me.

她对这人的大胆感到困窘。She felt abashed at the man's daring.

那些学生显得歉疚而羞愧。The students looked guilty and abashed.

山姆听了父亲的一席话后,羞愧得说不出话来。Sam abashed by his father's words said nothing.

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他因忘了妻子的生日而感到惭愧。He was abashed at forgetting his wife's birthday.

他因忘了妻子的生日而感到羞愧。He was abashed at forgetting his wife's birthday.

你应该为你所犯下的不人道罪刑感到惭愧。You should be abashed to commit such immoral crime.

辛德雷从容不迫地下来,酒醒了,也觉得羞愧了。Hindley descended more leisurely, sobered and abashed.

他赞美着尼基的美貌,使她羞得面红耳赤。Nikki began to feel abashed by his praise of her beauty.

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“你是说星期一来的,”嘉莉很窘迫地说。"You said the first of the week, " said Carrie, greatly abashed.

他犹豫不决,并因第一次试图用一个怪词而感到羞愧。He hesitated, abashed at his first attempt to use a strange word.

那么多双注视着她的眼睛丝毫没有让她不安。She was not abashed at all by the many pairs of eyes watching her.

赫斯渥大为窘迫。他的眼神表明他感到很难堪。Hurstwood was greatly abashed. His eyes expressed the difficulty he felt.

这个问题使我感到困窘不安,我回答说懒惰是我的主要癖好。Abashed at this question, I answered that sloth was my besetting temptation.

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爱伦一想到要在全校师生面前演讲就觉得局促不安。Ellen was abashed at the thought of making a speech in front of her entire school.

在码头望到一块岩石干的玲珑火箭,我觉得震惊。At the berth I'm abashed to see the abridged rocket made of a affiliationk of rock.

对于过去犯下的错误,他今天才猛省过来,惭愧不已。Today he suddenly realized all the mistakes he had made in the past and felt much abashed.