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他每年参加大学校际运动会。He takes part in the intercollegiate sports every year.

校际交流是办好党校的重要环节。Carry on the intercollegiate exchange is the important link to run the party school.

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开始打的是大学篮球,后来成为了一名职业球员。I was recruited to play intercollegiate basketball and became a professional player.

他也是UT斯达康的代表的国家间的竞技联盟。He is also UT's representative to the national Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics.

学校间的运动队按地区及男女的区别进行比赛。The University's intercollegiate sports teams compete with regional rivals in men's and women's sports.

不久,他被任命到校际委员会来规划一套学位服。Soon after he was asked to work with an Intercollegiate Commission to form a system of academic apparel.

每个计划包括的范围为紧急医疗后送,校际体育,恐怖主义行为和更多!Each plan includes coverage for Emergency Medical Evacuation, Intercollegiate Sports, Acts of Terrorism and more!

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在校际锦标赛前夕他竟然决定离队,这实在太令人感到突然了。His decision to leave the team just on the eve of the intercollegiate tournament was certainly a bolt from the blue.

高校之间的竞争,实质是人才的竞争,而高层次人才的竞争是竞争的核心。The intercollegiate competence is, by nature, that of human resources, with the competition at higher level as its core.

我到美国入大学之后,第一次去看我们大学和别的大学的足球竞赛。After entering an American University , I watched , for the first time , an intercollegiate football match on the campus.

随着高等教育改革的不断深化,校际之间的竞争也越来越激烈。With the incessant deepening of the higher education reforms, the intercollegiate competition becomes increasingly fierce.

什么事件引起了西点军校和各校之间激烈的体育竞争?------是1890年的海军足球比赛。What event marked the beginning of competitive intercollegiate athletics at West Point" ------ Navy football game of 1890."

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我们看棒球校际比赛的时候认识的。明天还要去看另外一场比赛。We got to know each other while we were watching an intercollegiate baseball match. And we are going to watch another game tomorrow.

我国高校体育赛事的商业化运作水平并不高,并没有完全摆脱资金缺乏对举办比赛的牵绊。The commercial operation level of intercollegiate athletics is not so high that there is lack of funds to organize competitions in China.

中印双方积极推动学生交流计划、中文和印地语教学以及建立中印校际伙伴关系等,这些项目都富有成效。Student exchange programs, Chinese and Hindi language teaching and intercollegiate partnership are going on actively, producing positive result.

该文对学院路地区高校的实验教学资源共享进行探讨,提出了有利于共享的若干优势和需要正确处理、协调的具体问题。This thesis made an in depth probe to intercollegiate teaching resources and presented its obvious advantages as well as obstacles needs handling.

任何高中毕业年满17周岁的选手如果宣布放弃校际比赛资格即可参加NBA选秀。Any player who has graduated from high school and is at least 17 years old qualifies for the NBA draft if that player renounces intercollegiate eligibility.

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任何高中毕业年满17周岁的选手如果宣布放弃校际比赛资格即可参加NBA选秀。Any player who has graduated from high school and is at least 17 years old qualifies for the NBA draft if that player renounces16 intercollegiate eligibility17.

格林斯伯勒学院以其为学生个人的关注,强大的学术指导计划,国家承认的大学校际体育和领导才能发展计划。Greensboro College is known for its individual concern for students, strong academic advising program, nationally recognized intercollegiate athletics and leadership development programs.

同时,学院积极推进对外合作交流,与众多海内外高校和科研机构建立了合作交流关系。Besides, the university, actively expanding its international academic exchange and collaborations, has also established friendly intercollegiate relationship with many countries and areas.