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罗里·凯兰-琼斯报道。Rory Cellan-Jones reports.

罗里弗里德曼,“瘦母狗”的共同作者。Rory Freedman, co-author of Skinny Bitch

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我下船的时候见到的一个人,原来是罗里。When I got off the boat whom should I see but Rory.

罗里麦克罗伊手表在练习沙坑杆7月14日。Rory McIlroy watches a bunker shot during practice July 14.

他们把这个叫罗里。崔蒙特的肥大孩子弄进洞里,事实上。They got this skinny kid ni amed Rory Tremont to go in the hole.

罗莉发现儿子不见时,眼里写著恐慌。Rory had panic in her eyes when she realized her son was missing.

罗霍伊使我们的旅程通过他的世界和解释孤独症前进的道路。Rory Hoy takes us on a journey through his world and explains autism along the way.

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罗里总是首先赶到现场,并克服一切障碍去拍摄一份材料。Rory was always first to get to places. He would override any obstacle to get to a story.

传说,其旋律可能是罗里·戴尔·欧卡汉创作于16世纪的。According to some legends, the tune was possibly composed by Rory Dall O'Cahan in the 1600's.

德拉普上赛季用大力界外球“轰”出的成功也归于同一范畴。The success Stoke had with Rory Delap\'s long throwslast season fall into a similar category.

麦克艾瑞竞争在阿布扎比高尔夫锦标赛第一轮在酋长国首都1月21日。Rory McIlroy competes in the first round of the Abu Dhabi Golf Championship in the Emirati capital January 21.

在纽约,她与麦克·罗伊的关系和她的新教练到底是谁成为人们讨论的热点话题。In New York, her relationship with Rory McIlroy and the identity of her new coach were hot topics of discussion.

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桑德兰在控球方面很糟,但是客队却能够很好地防住德拉普的长投。Sunderland were dangerous in possession, but the visitors' were struggling to cope with Rory Delap's long throws.

麦克艾瑞高高骑在他的处女航在迪拜热气球1月29日在迪拜的天际线。Rory McIlroy rides high above the Dubai skyline during his maiden flight in a hot air balloon January 29 in Dubai.

是一条狭长的有中世纪房屋的小道。值得一看。然后你真的应该参观一下圣十字宫殿。Rory McDonald It's a narrow street of medieval houses. It's worth seeing. Then you really should visit Holyrood Palace.

“需要再等等看,在这期间我不会因为罗里能不能恢复而失眠,”普利斯说。"It's a case of wait and see but at this stage I'm not losing any sleep over Rory being available for Fulham, " said Pulis.

是的,他们通过德拉普的手抛球发动的进攻获得了进球,但是他们同样打入了另外一个好球,他们在不列颠尼亚处处都表现的出色。Yes, they scored from a Rory Delap throw, but they also added a fine second and played the better stuff throughout at the Britannia.

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凭借托德和他团队的优势-1997年罗斯-布朗和罗里-拜恩的到来更让这支团队充满威胁-成绩迅速的上窜。With the strength of Todt and his team – made into a lethal weapon by the 1997 arrival of Ross Brawn and Rory Byrne – results came thick and fast.

在经济战略平衡转变之际,各国正在强化海上和空中军力。Naval and air forces are being strengthened amid shifting balances of economic strategic weight," report authors Rory Medcalf and Raoul Heinrichs wrote.

罗里。德拉普的手榴弹是斯托克最具威胁的攻击武器之一,但是报道指出这名35岁的球员可能会因为伤病而缺席比赛。Rory Delap's long throw ins are one of Stoke's most potent attacking weapons, however reports suggest the 35-year-old could miss the game due to injury.