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菲亚特Stilo装有停车传感器。Fiat Stilo with parking sensor”.

马鲁蒂召回影响菲亚特塔塔吗?Maruti recall to impact Tata, Fiat?

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外判律师启导研讨会。Induction Seminar for New Fiat Counsel.

但是菲亚特也不容小觑。But Fiat also has an influential supporter.

菲亚特主要生产小型和中型轿车。Fiat specializes in small and midsize cars.

这些就降低了对本国货币的信心。All this reduces the confidence in fiat currencies.

是以,名义货泉从它的素质来说现实上一钱不值。So fiat money is money which is intrinsically worthless.

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当我在洛杉矶加大作学生时,借钱购买了一部细小的快意牌汽车。As a student at UCLA, I bought a small Fiat on borrowed money.

阿巴斯在1971年被菲亚特收购,并成为其旗下的赛车部门。Abarth was bought by Fiat in 1971 to become its racing division.

如今,我开着另一台贴着蝎子车标的菲亚特。Now I have been driving another Fiat bearing the scorpion badge.

菲亚特计划推出更多的引擎在家庭多重空气了。Fiat plans to roll MultiAir out across additional engine families.

但在大多数人眼中,它看起来就像一台普通的菲亚特斯特拉达。To most people, however, it looked like an unexciting Fiat Strada.

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一名菲亚特的元老级任务被任命接管克莱斯勒品牌。Fiat veteran was parachuted in to take charge of the Chrysler brand.

命令术语的意思就是“让其或按照当局者的指示来完成”。The term of fiat means "let it be done or by order of the authority".

这个版本,但是,回拒了之后,菲亚特的阿尔法罗密欧的控制。This version was, however, nixed after Fiat took control of Alfa Romeo.

表达真诚的在乎并非一日之前或立命。And expressing genuine care doesn't happen overnight or by instant fiat.

一缕蓝烟悬浮在烟囱上方,在静止的空气中散开。A plate of blue smoke hung above the chimney, FIAT in the motionless air.

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最近坊间传言菲亚特又盯上了通用中国,但这种说法在我看来并不怎么靠谱。However, there is some talk that Fiat may eye the GM operations in China.

条条大路通罗马,但对菲亚特汽车来说,想找一条通往中国的途径绝非易事。All roads lead to Rome, but it's not easy for Fiat to find a way to China.

尼姆一时兴起就拐了进去把菲亚特推向一个空的地方。On impulse, Nim turned in, wheeling the Fiat into one of the empty places.