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周六,联军向利比亚发起攻击。On Saturday, the coalition attacked.

旧的保守联盟已经破局。The old conservatives coalition has frayed.

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所以这种联合始终存在着。So that coalition is kind of still going on.

卡斯帕罗夫的联盟几乎在民意测验中看不到。Kasparov's coalition barely registers in opinion polls.

最后,联合政府的急切需要成为了负担。Finally, the exigencies of coalition have been a burden.

授予联盟军队和伊拉克安全部队追剿所有极端分子的权力。Give Coalition and ISF authority to pursue ALL extremists.

去年,516名联合部队在士兵在阿富汗丧生。Last year, 516 coalition troops were killed in Afghanistan.

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起码,卡梅隆先生的联合政府是有志于此的。Mr Cameron’s coalition government is at least as ambitious.

这就让美英联军寻到了借口。This allows to find a pretext for the US-British coalition.

它被联合机合作国家严格地巡逻。It's very heavily patrolled by coalition and partner nations.

外交手段越来越为由保守党领导的联合政府所青睐。The Conservative-led coalition government is more diplomatic.

首先是保守派贝隆主义者中一个持不同政见的联盟。The first is a dissident coalition of conservative Peronists.

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但奇怪的是,尽管很多自由民主党的成员对此很不情愿,但默克尔的联合政府似乎并不愿意看到一个分裂的欧盟。But the odds of a coalition break-up over the euro look small.

他称联军的空袭是违反人道主义的罪行。He described coalition air strikes as a crime against humanity.

以下是联盟和雅培的困境角。Here are the horns of the dilemma for the Coalition and Abbott.

通常,极右翼主义在联合统治下失去威力。Usually the far right has been de-fanged in a ruling coalition.

Ennahda已经开始与其他政党就组建联合政府进行谈判。Ennahda has begun talks with other parties on forming a coalition.

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民煮固然好,但是一盘散沙的政策会永远阻碍我们。Democracy is fine , but coalition politics will always hold us back.

其政府是最不稳固的三党联合。Its government is a three-party coalition of the most unlikely kind.

如今它监视财政紧缩,这正是联合政府的目标。Now it oversees austerity, the lodestar of the coalition government.