Use 'publicise' in a sentence
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人权委员会应该宣传和执行它。The Equality and Human Rights Commission should publicise and enforce this.
电影公关人员操纵着明星的私生活,帮助宣传他们的新电影。Publicists manipulate the stars personal lives, to help publicise their new movie.
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近来的一个好主意是让国际贸易组织公布每一个新的贸易壁垒措施,无论它们是否被世界贸易组织的规则所允许。A good recent idea is that the WTO publicise any new barriers, whether or not they are allowed by its rules.
30关灯一小时是一件简单易行,容易推广的小事。Turning your lights off for an hour this Saturday from 8.30pm is a small, simple act that is easy to publicise.
她的天性将是到处宣扬这件事,那就让她去尽情吹嘘这件事吧。Her natural instinct will be to publicise it to death, so let her go to town on what a great thing this will be.
还有一些关于奥马希伯爵的生活细节是影片制作者不那么愿意公开的。There were additional details about the real Count Almásy's life that the filmmakers were not anxious to publicise.
报道是关于粮票需求增长的内幕,之前有人极力宣传粮票的用武之地。The story underneath was about an increase in the demand for food stamps, after an effort to publicise their availability.
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有无数社区为之感到骄傲伊尔凡可供报道?媒体应该报道他们的感受并忽略仇恨散播者。There are millions of Irrfans who are a pride to their community. The media should publicise their feelings and ignore hate mongers.
工业贸易署和贸易发展局在二零零零年十二月更出版了两份刊物,宣传内地加入世贸组织的影响。In December 2000, the TID and the TDC had jointly issued a pamphlet and supplement to publicise the implications of China's accession to the WTO.
汽车制造商还热衷于宣传它们的几个试验车型,这将给它们提供氢燃料电池实际性能的数据。Carmakers are also keen to publicise the handful of trials that are providing them with data on the real-world performance of hydrogen fuel-cell cars.
据国家林业局官员表示,林业系统将在全国建立150个观测点,并公布任何可能威胁人类安全的疾病观测数据。The State Forest Administration will set up 150 observation stations nationwide and publicise any outbreaks of animal disease that could threaten human health.
绿色活动家和苏格兰政客也批评了壳牌在公布问题和释出有关包含原油的足够信息上动作迟缓。Green campaigners and Scots politicians have also criticised Shell for being slow to publicise the problem and release sufficient information on containing the oil.
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刘建国敦促政府公开人们迄今未曾料到的离婚造成的环境成本增加,并力劝夫妻们考虑好离婚可能造成的影响再做决定。Liu urges governments to publicise the hitherto unanticipated environmental costs of divorce, and couples to consider the potential impacts of a divorce before going ahead.
火星500实验,如果像一些专家所深信不疑的那样,主要目的是宣传人类飞往那颗红色星球的概念,那么它已经确定无疑超越了所有人预期成功地达到了目的。If, as some experts believe, the main aim of the Mars 500 experiment is to publicise the concept of human flight to the red planet, then it has surely succeeded beyond all expectations.
该网站为了加强自身的宣传,列出了英国十大“最肮脏酒店”排行榜,而“获选”的酒店业者也因此表现得很愤怒,声称他们的声誉受到了伤害。It comes after hoteliers reacted with fury, claiming their businesses were damaged, after being included in a list of the 10 "Dirtiest Hotels" in the UK, released to publicise the site.
分析师们说-他们之前敦促苹果公布CEO接任计划,未获成功-库克是可靠的继任人,但怀疑他能不能给公司带来同样的驱动力。Analysts – who had previously pressed Apple to publicise its CEO succession plan, without success – said that Cook was a safe pair of hands, but wondered whether the company would have the same drive.
四维“指社会、家长、学生和学校,”四维教育“意在促进各方的交流合作,共同关爱学生的成长。The First Step in Four aims to publicise the College's unique educational philosophy, Four-Point Education, which connects students, parents, UIC and society to better help students learn and develop.