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失去了长矛的时候When they had no spear.

一种具有三个刺的矛。A spear with three prongs.

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大卫照常弹琴,扫罗手里拿著枪。Saul had his spear in his hand.

非常漂亮的枪头,级别也高!Very nice spear head, high level!

为了暗矛部族而战!In order to dark spear tribes war!

龙骑士增加了矛术掌握。Wyrmslayer now grants Spear Mastery.

他将长矛猛力刺进那头野兽。He jabbed a spear into the wild animal.

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它可以刺透任何盾。My spear could stab through any shield.

他配有矛,弓和箭。He's armed with spear and bow and arrows.

猎人用力把他的长矛向虎投去。The hunter hurled his spear at the tiger.

高级别的包金臧矛攥。High class Tibetan spear with gold inlaid.

与其说他像别的东西,不如说更像梭镖。He is more like a spear than anything else.

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所以首先我们读出撒旦的长矛非常巨大。So first we read that Satan's spear is big.

不需要摩尔人的长矛和弓箭。Stands not in need of Moorish spear or bow.

我们才不在乎这把长矛是真是假。We don't care if the spear is real or fake.

他举起他的矛要射死这只熊。He raised his hunting spear to kill the bear.

他用长矛刺穿了敌人的心脏。He transfixed the enemy's heart with a spear.

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一只梭镖穿透斯多卡德的老婆。A spear went through the body of Stockard's wife.

他们两还常常用矛恐吓麻雀。And they often used a spear to frighten sparrows.

他拿着梭镖快速地朝我冲了过来。He began moving quickly toward me with the spear.