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我们的销售部人员会给您回确认的。You will receive the confirmation by our sale dpt.

该党发言人希林表示,这很出乎意料。DPT spokesman Palden Tshering says no one expected such a landslide.

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他们那天让孩子接种了第二针DPT。他的脑子损坏了。They gave him his second DPT shot that day. He became brain-damaged.

这些收费的疫苗包括乙脑、乙肝和百白破。These charge vaccine including Japanese encephalitis, hepatitis B and DPT.

像白喉,百日咳,破伤风实验室,医药卫生制药公司在制药行业,也。Like DPT Laboratories, Med-Health Pharma operates in the pharmaceutical industry, too.

白喉,百日咳,破伤风是在最后阶段的制定和实施所谓的工资作为你去计划。DPT is in the final stages of developing and implementing what might be called a pay-as-you-go plan.

通过监测注射三针DPT疫苗的年龄,评估该干预措施组合的有效性。Its effectiveness was assessed by monitoring the ages at which the three DPT doses were administered.

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格林说,这个计划的重点是处方药头,但白喉,百日咳,破伤风还处理柜台项目。Green says the plan is to focus on prescription drugs first, though DPT also handles over-the-counter items.

我家孩子三个月了,我们今天去给她接种百白破,请问接种后,有什么要注意的?My baby three months, today we go to her DPT vaccination, may I ask after inoculation, there is any need for attention?

由社区义工参与的干预措施组合大大改善了印度适龄儿童的DPT疫苗接种。An intervention package involving community volunteers significantly improved age-appropriate DPT immunization in India.

本研究初步验证了所拟合出的塑盘旱育抛栽基本苗公式的正确性。The research primarily validated the correctness of the formulas of the DPT with scattered-planting in double-season rice.

我们对新配方吸附及不吸附的百白破混合制剂进行了人群使用反应及效果观察。We observed the reaction and the immune effect of anew formular for DPT vaccine with or without adsorption in field trial.

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萧搏1997年出生于杭州,1999年毕业于中国美术学院综合艺术系,现任教于浙江理工大学。Born in Hangzhou, 1997, Graduated from Mixed Media Arts Dpt. of China Academy of Art, 1999, Living and working in Hangzhou now.

本文着重研究了不同质量的DPT的热安定性,水解安定性及贮存安定性。This paper gives emphasis to study the thermal stability, hydrolysis stability and storage stability of DPT with various qualities.

1978年,计划免疫工作开始在全国普遍实行时,只有卡介、脊灰、麻疹、百白破4种疫苗被列入免疫范围。In 1978, the immunization program began in the country generally, only BCG, polio, measles, DPT vaccine 4 was included in the scope of immunity.

方法采用光密度分析软件分别测定三叉神经痛患者以及健康人群全景片下颌体部标定区域内的光密度,按年龄、性别进行对比分析,观察两组骨密度的变化情况。Methods The software of bone mineral density was used to detect both patients with trigeminal neuralgia and the normal subjects′ bone mineral density of the mandibular definite zone through DPT.