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周围的肾小管也正常。The surrounding tubules are normal.

花岗岩是金矿的有利赋矿围岩。Granite are ore-rich surrounding rocks.

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保护月亮湾及其周边地区。Preserve Moon Bay and surrounding area.

石头教堂及周围的庭院。Stone church and surrounding courtyard.

孔雀在周围的草地上昂首阔步。Peacocks strut in the surrounding meadow.

它们希望,染香周围的土壤。They hope to flavour the surrounding soil.

该中心整体环月湖而修建。The center is built surrounding Yuehu Lake.

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环境的新奇感很快就淡化了。The novelty of her surrounding soon wore off.

昔日的跳伞塔周边为沙地,以减缓着陆冲击。Surrounding sand slows down the landing impact.

心若是调伏了,周遭的环境自会随之安静。If variable v, surrounding environment is quiet.

防火墙就象是城堡边上的护城河。A firewall is like the moat surrounding a castle.

在纸堆周围可找到很大的空间。Large voids are found surrounding stacks of paper.

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围绕中柱的是中柱鞘。Surrounding the central cylinder is the pericycle.

你怎么看它周围的生态系统呢?What do you think about the surrounding ecosystem?

围绕这一平方米的住宅房。Surrounding this square were the residential rooms.

这周围的乡村风多石头多。The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky.

关于吻的神话传说是很多的。The legends and myths surrounding the kiss are many.

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蛇的周围形成了一个圆圈,小蛇在慢慢发生变化。The snake is changing, and one auro surrounding her.

我们吸进去的是什么?包围地球的是什么?What do we breathe in?What is surrounding the Earth?

就这样,它使是周围的积木堆倒塌。As it does, it collapses into the surrounding stacks.